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Why does the press treat Donald Trump so unfairly?

A wee bit of fact checking from the New York Times today:

Mr. Trump also said that Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will cut $2 trillion out of the $6.8 trillion annual federal budget and “it’ll have no impact on people.” In fact, if you rule out cuts to Social Security, Medicare and defense, as Mr. Trump has, cutting $2 trillion would require shutting down almost the entire federal government.

Meh. "No impact" vs. "shut down almost the entire federal government." Come on. This is just more anti-Trump nitpicking from the liberal press.

9 thoughts on “Why does the press treat Donald Trump so unfairly?

  1. J. Frank Parnell

    Trump seems to the only person in the history of the universe to think being president means you should never be criticized. Of course the ban on criticism only applies to him, not other presidents.

  2. Salamander

    The so-called "librul media" has been surrendering for weeks now. ABC "News" even gifted hm a cool $16mill. Soon, all we will be hearing is happy talk about how Dear Leader is Making America Great! For the Very First Time!

    Josh Marshall, over at Talking Points, noted that this is to be expected from the big media conglomerates which view "news" as just a tiny bit of their profit-making holdings. Those of us who want to know what's going on are better served by the smaller, journalism-based outfits that don't have serious conflicts of interest.

    This would, of course, include foreign sources of news, like the Beeb and al-Jazeera.

  3. D_Ohrk_E1

    But not many journalists challenge him head on, and when they do, their employers, like ABC or CNN throw the towel in. Others, like WaPo and LAT, do so preemptively.

    Fact-checking him in print is barely useful if the people who need to hear the truth don't even read your print.

  4. NotCynicalEnough

    At least we know where the upper limit of objectivity is at the NYT; if you claim that $2T - $2T = $2T, the Times is going to call you on it.

  5. pjcamp1905

    The Times just isn't understanding plain English. "People" is a synonym for "oligarchs." It means Musk, Thiel, Bezos etc. It does not mean you.

  6. jeffreycmcmahon

    The way this is going to work is, there'll be some meetings and press conferences, and then everyone will get bored and move on to other stuff and the stupid DoGE thing will fold up, and then a year or two later his cult will assume that he massively cut spending and cheer him for having done so, and he will take credit, and the media will mumble through it.

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