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Would you answer an Instagram appeal for bank robbers?

Here's a story you probably never expected to see:

Federal prosecutors on Wednesday announced charges against three young people who they say robbed a string of banks across Northern California last year by using Instagram to recruit women to walk into financial institutions and pass the tellers notes demanding money.

....The indictment says Jones and Millett, both of Northern California, “actively sought and groomed recruits” to go into banks with notes demanding money. Millett posted videos of herself on Instagram holding large amounts of cash, according to the indictment. “Happy Money Makin’ Mondays,” she allegedly said in one post. “I got one spot left in a car tap in.” In another post, the indictment quotes her as saying: “I don’t need mfs that’s scared to get money around me so if it’s not even for you please don’t vote.”

Look, I know the world is crazy these days, but what kind of moron responds to an Instagram appeal for bank robbers? I mean.

OTOH, count this as a win for the folks who think social media is ruining our mental health.

9 thoughts on “Would you answer an Instagram appeal for bank robbers?

  1. n1cholas

    Crime doesn't pay unless you get away.

    I bet you can find job listings from Fortune 100 companies on Instagram. But there's more steps in the criming-for-money scheme so that probably doesn't count.


  2. lower-case

    just out of curiosity... you've buried milley's 'trump is a fascist' post three layers down behind a couple trivial click-baity posts

    it seems equivalent to the times running something on A3; is that intentional?

    1. JohnH

      May I defend Kevin for a change? Not that this post isn't minor stuff, but still, in no particular order . . .

      He's a blogger, meaning he keeps posting, and we value that. It's not really buried, just for now two posts down, and surely those who come like me to catch up on the day's posts will see it. The newer ones don't seem much like clickbait to me, certainly not data on assistant professors, and not to regulars here who surely come to get worked up about the right. It could be pinned at least in some blog platforms, but Kevin's never seen fit to do that even once, so why now? Last, hate to say it, but Trump's fascism is old news to us by now, no? The comments there pick it up as what we've all been saying all along.

      So great he posted that given the awful MSM handling, but he's not capitulating to the NYT bias.

      1. Kevin Drum

        Yeah, I just write and write. No matter how important something is, the nature of a blog is it gets buried pretty quickly.

    1. lawnorder

      I would be inclined to bet that the sort of people who would get involved in something like this never think about politics, and seldom think about anything.

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