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Yet another Black guy is running HUD for Trump

Oh come on. Donald Trump finally nominated a Black guy for his cabinet, and just like last time it's for Housing and Urban Development.

This would be no big deal for a president who nominated other Black cabinet members too. But your only one? Once could be a coincidence. Twice, not so much. The question is what Trump's thinking is:

(a) Black men aren't qualified for anything but HUD.

(b) The U in HUD stands for Urban, so only a Black man will do.

(c) He doesn't even realize he's done this.

This is hardly Trump's biggest offense. But still.

12 thoughts on “Yet another Black guy is running HUD for Trump

  1. Srho

    But seriously, according to the linked article:
    d) Turner helped steer HUD funds to wealthy developers during the first term.
    e) He played in the NFL, so he's been on TV.

  2. JohnH

    All well and good, but I'm more concerned for the normalizing tone of NPR's article. Trump won't really have massive cuts to housing throwing more of the middle class into poverty and doing nothing to address problems of affordability and homelessness now, right? Of course not; the optics would not be good, provided the media covers it at all. Of course not, not if you're fair and balanced.

    C'mon. The nominee may be black, but his qualifications are a record of going along with whatever Trump wants, and now the fox has a better chicken coop.

  3. azumbrunn

    It's a), b) and c) all mixed. a) is obviously in play, b) is literally true, c) Trump never exactly knows why he makes any decision.

  4. jmjm

    it's important to remember that this is the guy who thought "asylum seeker" meant that the immigrants had mental health problems.

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