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Yet more good inflation news

The Producer Price Index, a harbinger of things to come in the Consumer Price Index, was once again below zero in November:

Aside from a summer spike, the PPI has been negative since early this year. This is a byproduct of the fact that inflation in goods generally has been negative: that is, prices of goods are going down. Inflation in services has been more stubborn, staying elevated all year.

6 thoughts on “Yet more good inflation news

  1. D_Ohrk_E1

    You know, if there were corresponding services disinflation with the PPI index, I would have agreed with you on your prior assertion that the Fed did not have to boost the central rate. Absent that, it looks like the potential for higher inflation remained.

    An aside: The construction materials portion of the PPI hasn't come back down to the long-term curve.

    1. MarissaTipton

      I was just paid $7,268 this month while working from my laptop. And if you find that admirable, With twin toddlers, my divorced acquaintance earned almost $1,892 in her first month of marriage. Making so much money feels great, especially when other bs12 people have to work for far less.

      What I do is this...............> > >

    2. jdubs

      All of the components must be down in order to justify a regularisation of interest rates? The overall index doesnt matter, we need all of the individual components to be below a certain rate of increase?

      I certainly hope not. Thats a terrible way to run an economy.

      1. jdubs

        Hmm, we have seen significant disinflation in both PPI goods and services. Not sure your comment makes sense.... perhaps i misunderstand what youre trying to say.

  2. Citizen99

    Yeah, it's great. Unfortunately, people want DEFLATION. They want their damn eggs and gasoline to cost LESS than 3 years ago.
    Of course, deflation means recession or even depression, which would then be dominating the nightly news. Instead of "And now for the latest on SKYROCKETING INFLATION!" it would be "And now for the latest on SKYROCKETING UNEMPLOYMENT!"
    Oh, I forgot . . . polls show that people believe we are ALREADY in a recession.

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