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Violent crime has plummeted since Election Day!

Fox News should be proud:

Apparently their ceaseless campaign against violent crime finally paid off and crime dropped by more than half. The pen really is mightier than the sword!

13 thoughts on “Violent crime has plummeted since Election Day!

  1. Salamander

    "The pen really is mightier than the sword!"

    And broadcast / cable teevie beats them both. The obsessive reporting of "out of control inflation" seems to have cooled, also.

    1. iamr4man

      Ah, but the border wall, that’s where they had us. We laughed at them and made jokes, but they proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and with geometric logic, that a border wall was the key to securing the border. And they would have completed the wall and produced the “red wave” if we hadn’t pulled Trump out of action.

  2. Justin

    Mass murders don’t count, I guess. At least we got some killings in red state Idaho and Oklahoma to balance it out. Triple murder in NYC. Double murder suicide in Florida. Go ahead and search on murder suicide every day. See what you get. No one cares. Gang shootings are the real crime wave on Fox News and at the NY Post. It’s The Blacks!

  3. ey81

    Of course, the New York Daily News, a very liberal newspaper, banished crime (except those committed by Trump) from the front page for months before the election, but it has now returned in full force. That's why you really shouldn't trust anyone.

  4. Salamander

    A few days late (and a few bucks short), it's become clear that when Republicans in Congress talked about controlling violent crime, they meant persecuting Hunter Biden.

    The old Bait 'n' Switch! Gets 'em every time.

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