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9 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Heysus

    Interesting. Are these the ones brought from Europe because they are so beautiful? They are not the ones we have around here which are colourless, ugly, noisy, and dirty.

  2. KawSunflower

    Given how starlings can be discouraged, if not deterred, from eating at feeders by using those capped at the top, it is surprising to learn that these seem to enjoy just hanging there. One online comment suggested that (some) birds are inclined to do this when especially comfortable or "happy" (!) No link provided - just some random answers on reddit or quora, as I recall.

  3. Steve_OH

    The Golden-breasted Starling (see is indeed a striking bird. However, the bird in your photos is not a Golden-breasted Starling. In fact, it is not a starling at all, but rather a Golden-backed Weaver (see The second photo is the giveaway: that's a classic weaver courtship display pose.

    The LA Zoo's web site refers to the birds as Black-headed Weavers, but the red eyes and dark (rather than yellow) nape indicate that they are actually Golden-backed Weavers. In any case, the genus Ploceus is a bit of a mess and in serious need of revision to better delineate the species boundaries.

    1. KawSunflower

      Should have known to wait for your expertise or have done a search myself!

      But Kevin Drum has staked out his photographic specialty pretty well..

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