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AFPAC: We love us some good ol’ school racism

AFPAC is for conservatives who think CPAC has sold out to the woke liberals. In other words, their applause for Joe Arpaio last night was not just a misunderstanding:

19 thoughts on “AFPAC: We love us some good ol’ school racism

  1. drickard1967

    "AFPAC: We love us some good ol’ school racism"
    But... but Kevin: I thought only the evil woke leftists casually threw around the word "rascism..." Have you gone over to the dark side?

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      Kevin Drum is more likely to go on Real Time with Bill Maher & make an inhuman centipede with Bill, Anne Coulter, & Bari Weiss than ever to admit his wokescientious objection is anything but a man in life's twilight admitting his Qrange Qounty upbringing was actually not so bad.

  2. Joseph Harbin

    I continue to be astonished at the level of concern that race and "social issues" need to be considered an electoral net-negative ... for Democrats!

    For today's must-read, I recommend David Corn, in one of the best things he has written, on America's failure to address the problem of Putin:

    How We Let Ukraine—and the World—Down

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      With Mother Jones & the Nation splitting over Russian antiimperial peacekeeping in Ukraine, when does Katrina van den Heuvel order a hit on Clara Jeffrey in the fauxgressive left version of the 1990s East Coast/West Coast rap war?

    2. Procopius

      David Corn is wrong about at least one thing; Ukraine is a nation with a LOT OF Nazis. And they hate Russia. I suppose there are a lot of non-Nazis, but the Western part of the country has lots of them. I didn't think Putin was going to do this, because he really doesn't need the tsuris, so I don't have any idea how this is going to play out. There's no way he's going to de-Nazify the country, but he might end up killing a lot of people. So far there don't seem to be many casualties. We'll just have to wait and see.

      1. Salamander

        In a sane world, one might think that the trumpista wing would balk at "de-nazification", given their own love of nazi symbols, techniques, and creed. But they don't seem big on consistency, which also makes them blind to their own leaders' hypocrisy. The Republican Party is right: kill off public education and you'll get yourself an electorate that you can convince of anything.

  3. illilillili

    Yep, clearly the left wing has gone way overboard on the wokeness thing and should stop preaching to the choir.


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