I'm sure I'll have plenty of updates to this, but here's what's happening in Washington DC after Trump's inauguration. First off, Trump has already ordered the Pentagon to remove its portrait of Gen. Mark Milley, which was hung ten days ago next to all the previous chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Milley's portrait already taken down at the Pentagon, @OrenCNN @NatashaBertrand report. It was only hung 10 days ago. pic.twitter.com/Dr13Ar4uzO
— Alex Marquardt (@MarquardtA) January 20, 2025
Here's Elon Musk entertaining a MAGA crowd with a vigorous Nazi salute:
Musk: I just want to say thank you pic.twitter.com/dsSQqfVvZA
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 20, 2025
In his "second" inaugural speech to a crowd of fans, Trump says that "some" wives who have husbands in the ER spend their time checking their watches because they just want to go home:
A few minutes after taking the oath, Donald Trump talks about how much Steve Scalise’s wife was crying in the hospital, how much blood Scalise lost and the fact that some spouses would be checking their watch and hoping to get out of the hospital when their husbands were in the…
— Jonathan Martin (@jmart) January 20, 2025
Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, shortly after giving a sermon at the inauguration, has launched his own cryptocoin:
The crypto community was kind enough to send me $Lorenzo, so I have permanently locked my tokens into a Liquidity Pool, so that I will never sell on the community but rather just earn fees as our token continues to flourish!
Amazing day, all the Glory to God!
CA:… pic.twitter.com/kAZFL3mMmb
— Pastor Zo (@pastorzosewell) January 20, 2025
More to come, without doubt.
He's blowing Melania's cover.
We can also ignore him
Many people are telling me today that attention is now the currency of politics. I won't be buying.
Where are all the Elon Musk . . .
Obviously you could replace "Musk" by "Trump" in this text.
(Trump not actually that rich, but he always pretended to be).
The questions are answered with the video above.
Petty man does petty things. Details at 11 P.M.
P.S. If spouse or child was injured would he even go to the ER?
Good question. I think it depends on which one.
Well, now he's "too important", and at best, might send a lackey. Just like before the coronations today, and 2017.
does he have a tee time that conflicts? is hannity on?
Dear trolls;
I get it that you will try to say that Musk was just making a “My heart goes out to you” gesture. There is no doubt whatsoever that this was planned and rehearsed by Musk and he knew exactly what he was doing. Please don’t pretend it was otherwise, it will just reveal you to be a disingenuous asshole.
It sure looks like a "Sieg Heil" to me, from Trump's favorite Billionaire MAGA Nazi, congratulating his Leader.
He hit his chest pretty hard for it not to have been pre-planned.
It’s just like him calling people “The C word” and then saying he meant communist. It is something a childish teen would do. It was absolutely purposeful.
If he'd meant "communist" and didn't want anyone to infer that he meant a part of a woman's anatomy, he would have just said "communist."
The need to snigger about their own cleverness all of the time marks the MAGA crowd as painfully juvenile.
While "respectable" right wing outlets like NR were dismissing this as libtard fantasies since the South African fascist was merely throwing his heart out to the crowd, the even more degenerate (but more honest) precincts of MAGA were kvelling like a bubbe at her grandchild's med school graduation. "Incredible things are happening already lmao," said the founder of Nazi platform Gab.
As for all the MAGAs trying to wave this away, I'll go with this comment by Josh Marshall, perhaps our most astute commentator:
"[I]n a moment of exuberant disinhibition [Musk] gave what was unmistakably a sieg heil! salute. Then he did it again. He actually appeared to do it three separate times. ... I commented on BlueSky asking, rhetorically, if we’d all just seen what we just saw. It wasn’t a weird angle.
I don’t need anyone to validate what I saw. I saw it. I don’t care what the explanation is. These are just twisted anti-American degenerates. We know this. Just what level of exuberant disinhibition led Musk to this moment or why this unmistakable gesture came so naturally to him … well, that’s really not my problem. Everyone knows what they saw here."
Reminiscent of Andrew Gillum's comment about DeSantis when he ran for governor of Florida: "Now, I’m not calling Mr. DeSantis a racist, I’m simply saying the racists believe he’s a racist."
According to Josh Marshall over at Talking Points, who was watching while at the gym, Elon repeated the gesture three (3) times that he observed. It was definitely not a one-off, or accidental heil-like move.
1. It would not at all surprise me if this was not rehearsed - after all Musk is a guy who also tweeted that he was taking Tesla private at 421 a share and had financing lined up. He does a lot of pretty momentous and public things totally off the cuff.
2. What possible motivation would he have to do a Nazi salute?
Reminds me a bit of the first time I visited Taiwan and asked someone "Why all the Swastikas? I can't imagine you have lots of neo-Nazis”. Well, of course, they were Buddhist swastikas.
Or maybe a better example is this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/502975-california-man-fired-over-alleged-white-power-sign-says-he-was/amp/
I'm keeping my powder dry on this on. With all the fascination that the sad bro-wanna-bes have with Roman history, this might have been Musk hailing Caesar. He could just as easily been Sieg-Heiling but can't say for sure. In either case, it is the pathetic posturing of an arrested adolescent.
Musk wouldn't make much of a Nazi but he'd make a fabulous collaborator and the in the end, which is more dangerous?
I thought I was prepared for the pettiness, but apparently I wasn't. The Nazi salute shouldn't surprise me, but it does. The new low will be set each day if not hourly. Four more years of this shit!
Maybe it was the taking down of the Milley portrait. Maybe it was the Nazi salute. Or maybe it was holding MAGA rally and calling it an inauguration.
Whatever, someone's not a fan of Mr. Trump's today.
Trump meme coin down about 9% at the moment, and down 53% from its all-time high (yesterday).
The market has crashed, with Trump family coins draining liquidity from #Altcoins.
The revenge tour is underway and profit taking has commenced.
People who are pretty sure he will blow up the economy are getting out.
George W Bush may be grateful that some other President presides over the second greatest economic meltdown in history.
Actually, George W has had a lot to be grateful for, in both the Convict's maladministrations. He has moved up to 3rd worse, maybe even better.
I used to say George W. was the worst POTUS to serve two full terms. Let's hope that remains true.
Ids unfurled.
"Here's Elon Musk entertaining a MAGA crowd with a vigorous Nazi salute:"
I'm sorry but this is just stupid, Kevin, truly juvenile.
You used to be about high rung politics; we could disagree but we disagreed as intelligent adults. Now you want to be Fox News Left -- and are fully succeeding.
It's not Kevin's fault that you guys are a bunch of Nazis wannabes, and anyone who supports Trump and his MAGA horde can't be considered an intelligent adult.
Plenty of time to see how the CNN lawsuit plays out.
This was admittedly a bold move after their very recent loss...
How's Saint Petersburg these days? Is this how you avoided getting sent to the Ukrainian front? Or more to the point, what is wrong with you? Seriously - is it the money, or were you born this way? Come on, tell everyone. We're all friends here.
We could believe our eyes, or you.
You could indeed.
Musk absolutely did this on purpose. You have just reveled yourself.
Yeah, no South Africans have *ever* been racist/fascist sympathizers, have they? 🤣
"I didn't intend it as a Nazi salute," is a lot more believable from someone who hasn't spent the last few months endorsing neo-Nazi parties across Europe.
Yes, and my eyes unmistakably see something crawling on the floor here that looks like some kind of....roach? Or something. Clever 'name' you got there, btw. Looks like you put more into that than your scintillating bleatings. Tally ho, comrade.
If you persist with this idiocy even after you've been corrected so many times, you truly have become what you claim to despise.
Even the freaking ADL is saying this is nonsense and needs to stop.
Elon does this shit purposely. He knew what he was doing when he did it and is, I’m sure, gleeful that people like you will defend him. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if it was Musk who is responsible for the pictures you are posting.
Though I have to admit that at this point I’m not sure if you are a disingenuous asshole or stupid beyond belief.
Why believe your lying eyes?
Ok, I'll bite. So wtf was it then ? If it was meant to signify something else (what exactly ?) then Elon Musk is a fucking idiot for not knowing that it sure as hell looked like a Nazi salute that would send chills up people's spines (the ones who have them) No, Musk is not an idiot (well he is but in different ways). He knw exactly what he was doing and he was doing it to get a reaction so that he could claim he was being iunfairly accused or something. Who knows ? Like Josh Marshall says over at TPM, I know what I saw and you do too name99.
What's doubly scary is the lack of response from the media who seem hell bent on sanewashng this - no Paul Krugman has it right, truthwashing.
Musk is the teen boy who gave you the finger by putting it on his nose and said he was just scratching his nose. He does this shit and thinks he is being funny. He called Kamala Harris “the C word” then said he meant communist. This is how he rolls and I’m quite sure he planned and rehearsed it giggling all the while.
It was obviously meant to symbolize throwing his heart out at the crowd that he had just thanked.
Yes, obviously. Couldn't be anything else. You're absolutely right. Just a trick of the light. Ultimately, however, as Musk does not have a heart....fuck it. I'm calling your retarded shit sarcasm, intended or not.
Where is the outrage when Obama, Clinton, and Harris do Nazi salutes?
lol. Libsoftiktok? Really? You're going to compare what is most likely still shots of video carefully edited to actual video? Of course you are, because you're a dishonest hack.
Still photos versus video. One shows context, the other does not. Hope you are getting a lot of money for posting lies, you will need it, soon.
There are so many other ways to make a gesture that doesn't resemble anywhere near that salute so poisoned that a millennia from now it will carry a taint. But he chose otherwise. At the very least he's an immature child, at the worst he's a Nazi, I think he's being manipulative with a side of dumb.
Where is the outrage when Obama, Clinton, and Harris do Nazi salutes?
Apparently you have the same problem as todays idiot, name99.
I’m sure that even you don’t believe that. You are one of the trolls I thought would chime in with that in my earlier post. You did not disappoint.
You're blaming Kevin for pointing out that your Nazi boy is a Nazi?
Fuck you, Nazi. All you Nazis deserve the treatment America gave you 70 years ago.
Where is the outrage when Obama, Clinton, and Harris do Nazi salutes?
I mean, who among us hasn't accidentally given the Nazi salute three times during a speech?
Every day! Good for the circulation!
Yes. Even Obama, Clinton, and Harris did it!
Idiot proclaims that context doesn't matter. I'm willing to bet that, if you showed the video, rather than a photo still, what you'd see is someone who gestured to the left, the center, and then the right, rather than pounding their hand against their chest and going straight to the salute, as Musk did. And compare the facial expressions are entirely different.
Show us the video, idiot, or STFU.
What? What are you trying to say? English please, this is America. Please try again.
Maybe musk will take his show on the road “How about those Nazis,eh? Let’s give them a hand. .. Yes, that hand.”
Ba-dum bum.
And don't forget the awesome new investment opportunities with the minting of the amazing and totally legit and valuable memecoins, Strump and Smelania.
The "my heart goes out to you" gesture is done with the palm facing up.
This guy gets it. And he could've added another appendage.
It's not worth discussing. If you're parsing this juvenile crap, stop. I mean, c'mon. Musk is a sick, puerile, retarded asshole. A dangerous asshole, yes, but spending any time with this kind of shit - any time at all - is not very thoughtful. Repeat after Josh Marshall:
"These are just twisted anti-American degenerates." That's it. Everything else is useless, or worse, commentary.