I was nosing around on the Gallup site a few minutes ago and happened to visit their presidential job approval center. Here's what Joe Biden's approval rating looks like over the past year:
I don't especially have a big point to make about this. I was just impressed with how precisely the trendline directions of the most recent three presidents match each other, so I thought I'd share.
But, Kevin, your graph does not fit with the current narrative promoted by our national press and pundit class!
I’m thinking the similarity in trend says more about the unrealistic expectations of some subsets of voters, and their subsequent inevitable disappointment, than it does about the three Presidents. I suspect you find Green-Lantern-theory believers all across the political spectrum.
Still higher the Orange Moron!
Then the Orange Moron
2022, --means we have gone too far, or, we have not gone too far enough.
It must be one of those two things. If it isn't it's both and we'll be stuck this way forever.
Trump's curve is an empirical validation of "I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue without losing any (deadender) vote."
And so is the reverse true. Trump could cure cancer and many would disapprove of a cancer cure.
The opinions re trump are so hard baked in for many that they became basically impervious to any new fact . You could see that in some polls asking re unemployment itself was relatively high or low in 2019 ( when it was unambiguously low) and a decent number said it was high because trump was president.
This happens when partisanship gets very high and people on both sides are constantly fighting with each other either attacking or defending that they dig in their heels and will not ever concede any point to the other side.
And this is not just politics. Same thing happens in other areas. For example sports. A rabid fan of team A will never ever concede that some officiating call was wrong in favor of their team , at least not with any fans of team B around. Sometime easy to think of partisans today not as people making choices on policy but simply as fans for their team no matter what .
Also, again we are only talking about what people tell pollsters. A trump supporter might actually disapprove of something trump did where he messed up , and might say so to another trump supporter. But if polled , no way are they saying so. And same for trump haters. Maybe they really did have to agree that trump did OK on unemployment but still saying do not approve to a pollster .
The opinion split is somewhat less in reality than what a poll will find .
And I do not agree that the trendlines are all that similar. Yes, they all stay in a narrow range looking at the whole range from 0 to 100. But that is only because each party has a hard floor impervious to reality. However, looking at a more realistic range, obvious that the approoval rating for biden is more variable. Far more people exist that will change their opinion of biden based on what is actually occurring than for trump.
Trump was fairly unique in having such a stable almost never changing approoval rating .
Only 48 weeks’ data in Kevin’s chart, and only from a single pollster. Much less stable over the full term: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/
Your unsourced opinion is mud around here, troll. I'd ask for you to back up your factless assertions with links but given you past history when asked to do so -- i.e., bupkis -- I'm not going to bother. Think of that last as a ploy to get you to post something substantive for a change.
"And so is the reverse true. Trump could cure cancer and many would disapprove of a cancer cure."
Trump curing cancer is laughably improbable. If he had the remote potential for curing cancer, we would be talking about a completely different kind of man, not Trump. Before you argue that Trump shooting someone on Fifth Avenue is improbable as well, (a) that is a scnario he himself suggested, and (b) it is a lot more likely than Trump curing cancer. I didn't read your arguments about polarization.
The transition from campaign idealism to governing realism.