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Among Democrats, support for Israel has cratered

Among Republicans, sympathy for Israel far outweighs sympathy for the Palestinians, and this hasn't changed much over the years. The story among Democrats is different. Although sympathy for Israel has long been firmly positive, around 2015 it began to steadily deteriorate. Then, in 2023—but before the Gaza war started—it finally went negative, with more Democrats supporting the Palestinians than Israel:

What happened in 2015 to cause this decline among Democrats? Bibi Netanyahu's speech to Congress flaying Barack Obama's Iran treaty? Rising settler violence against Palestinians? Growing disillusionment over Israel's rightward drift?

I don't know. The change is driven largely by young Democrats, but not exclusively, and there's no apparent difference between college and non-college voters. So it seems unlikely to be the result of a sudden shift among university faculty or administrators.

In any case, the partisan divide is now huge. Support for Israel's war in Gaza is net +48% among Republicans but -27% among Democrats. The age divide is equally huge: among older voters net support for the war is +29% compared to -37% among the young.