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Bibi to Joe: Drop Dead

Yesterday we were told that President Biden was taking a "sharper tone" with Bibi Netanyahu and demanding a "significant de-escalation" in the Israeli bombing campaign against Gaza. Today Netanyahu told him to pound sand:

Nothing new here. When was the last time Israel actually did something to help out the United States? I'm sure that our intelligence services have a great relationship—they always do—but beyond that it's hard to think of anything.

52 thoughts on “Bibi to Joe: Drop Dead

  1. Mitchell Young

    No, we don't get anything from the Israelis.

    Biden is well on his way to senility. He will be walked over repeatedly.

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      So senile that he defeated El Jefe by almost 8 million votes.

      Really embarrassing for Your Chosen One, MAGAT Young.

      1. Special Newb

        They've already made sure thats not happening again. 2024 is probably going to be a sham election

          1. Mitchell Young

            Since our diplomacy, particularly in the Middle East, hasn't been working for a while, maybe its time to bring Douche and Toit in.

          2. ScentOfViolets

            I know you're drunk most of the time, but did you seriously not get that I was talking about Jared. A troll _and_ stupid. It's almost as if there's a causal influence at work ...

          3. Mitchell Young

            So Jared remains in power despite the Don being out of power and in virtual exile?

            Or are you writing of Jared Taylor, the advocate for white folks?

          4. ScentOfViolets

            Now you're just stringing words together. Derp.

            And since you pretend not to get it: Diplomacy is supposed to be trans-administration; it does no one any good if a nation as a polity does not honor its commitments when the new bosses come in.

            But Hell, come to think of it, it does amuse me that you don't even get that bit of elementary statecraft: it shows that you're exactly what you appear to be, namely a leaky bag of loose derp.

        1. weirdnoise

          No, looking for some intelligent dialog. I've no problem dealing with actual conservatives, but you've yet to demonstrate anything but the ability to throw insults and parrot GOP talking points.

          1. Mitchell Young

            I'm a white advocate. They don't exist in the GOP, explicitly anyway. Steve King of Iowa was the nearest, and the GOP knifed him.

        2. ScentOfViolets

          Looking for a way to block attention-seeking trolls like yourself and Midgard. Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

          1. Mitchell Young

            I'm actually on a sobriety bender, and definitely not fat. And I'd compare my knowledge in the general sphere with just about anyone. My math SATs are only 1.7 standev above average, however

          2. ScentOfViolets

            No one believes you're sober ... Mitch. OTOH, everyone knows you're just yet another attention-seeking troll.

          3. ScentOfViolets

            And -- funny you should go on about this -- but I have graduate degrees in mathematics and taught at university for many years. So show me what you got, math-wise.

            Did you really not think someone would call your bluff once you went down this path? What a stupid, stupid little troll you are.

        3. Mitchell Young

          Uh, I just admitted my math aptitude wasn't super great. But I guess that's why you taught math not English lit-- your reading comprehension is a bit lacking. We all have our faults.

          1. ScentOfViolets

            You just said ' My math SATs are only 1.7 standev above average, however'. Which means you think they're better than 90% of the population.

            You're an idiot piece of derp, and nobody will ever forget that, kid.

  2. Kelvin

    The President of the United States says he expects another country to significantly cut short its goals during a military operation - immediately ("today"). The leader of that country thanks him, but pledges to continue the operation until the goal is reached.

    And we're supposed to believe this is the equivalent of Netanyahu saying "drop dead" or "go pound sand"?

    Give me a break. This is about as far from that as a foreign leader's statement can get.

    1. mudwall jackson

      1. where do you think israel would be without u.s. support? 2. do you really think it's in israel's best interest to blast gaza into a pile of rubble? the goal of the operation isn't military; it's political. it's to keep bibi in power and nothing else.

      1. Special Newb

        And they don't need us because they know aid will flow for at least another generation unconditionally.

        1. bbleh

          Not unconditionally. Also not a complete cutoff. But there are literally manifold possibilities in between.

      2. Kelvin

        Obviously Israel has benefited a great deal from U.S. support. My point wasn't that Israel owes the U.S. nothing - it's that the U.S. traditionally did has not expected the countries it supports to behave like vassal states, even countries that arguably owe their existence to continued American protection, such as Taiwan.

        The idea that, just because an American president says to stop fighting today, any foreign government needs to drop all its military objectives and start a unilateral ceasefire or near-ceasefire, is a strange one with distinctly Trumpist echoes. It's not the type of relationship we have with any country (barring, perhaps, the microstates of Oceania): we ask for cooperation, support, and trade guarantees from our allies, not servility.

        1. ScentOfViolets

          'Stop committing war crimes' is just a little bit different directive that 'stop fighting', no?

          1. Kelvin

            Sure, it would be. But the "directive" was that there be a significant decrease in fighting - as you would know if you had taken the time to actually read the article.

            That's what "significant de-escalation" means.

          2. ScentOfViolets

            Derp. Please think before you post in future. And yes "Stop committing war crimes" is on a whole 'nother level than "Stop fighting now." Despite anything you may have to say about it.

    2. J. Frank Parnell

      Given that Israel gets $3.3 billion in military aid, plus loan guarantees amounting to 2 to 3 times that, yes it is the equivalent of telling us to pound sound.

      1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

        Pound Sound is a great variation on the idiom. & a great title for Skrillex's next album.

    3. Mitchell Young

      Biden stood like stone wall and ...had zero effect on our client state (or are we their client state?)

  3. bbleh

    And then today all the stories are about an imminent ceasefire, and the only question is whether it's gonna be 24 or 48 or 72 hours.

    So what's the outcome? Bibi gets to look all tough and independent of the US, but then there's a ceasefire, and please don't tell me the US won't be telling the Palestinians and everybody else that we had a major hand in bringing it about, which more likely than not is true.

    It's not a good idea to read TOO much into these kinds of stories, but to take the public information at face value and as the complete picture would be naive.

    1. Mitchell Young

      LOL. A quick search of Gaza, May 19 yields

      "Netanyahu Does Not Rule Out Taking Over Gaza to Stop Hamas Attacks" the Algemeiner

      "IDF plans 'intensive' strikes against Hamas tunnel network" Jerusalem Post

      "Israel continues attacks on Gaza" Hurriyet Daily News

  4. kenalovell

    Israel may not do anything for America - except provide intelligence to the US military which it can use to help defend Israel - but Likud sure does a lot for the Republican Party.

    1. Mitchell Young

      Both parties are pretty enthusiastic for Israel...the GOP because they can't celebrate their own nation, the Dems because it is heavily indebted to, and pretty much led by, the Tribe.

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