Here is Joe Biden's job approval compared to his immediate predecessors:
Biden's approval level remains low, but it's not really much lower than Trump's or Obama's at this point in their first term. Within a few weeks it's likely to be almost exactly the same.
This is excellent information for everyone who cries about Biden being so unpopular. If Dems would stop being such whiners and supported him full-throatedly, he'd be above water.
I think you're right. Dems seem to love to rake their own leaders over the coals. Reps develop a cult like following. I'm not suggesting Dems form the cult of Biden, just take a realistic look at his time as President. Oh, and get off their individual pony horse belief of how very special they each are.
You know, sometimes I think that individual Democrats are on average more egotistical than Republicans. As in; 'my opinions are right and I will not tolerate opinions which are inconsistent with them', especially when such opposing opinions are expressed by Democratic Party leaders.
Republicans, on the other hand, are willing to subordinate their opinions to those of their leaders, even when their "grand, exalted maximum" leader is ignorant, and the most egotistical person in the world.
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There are Democrats who still state that HRC lost because she was unpopular & unlikable.
Despite Russia, Comey, & sexist views, she won 48.2% of the popular vote compared to trump's 46.7% - 65,844,610 votes to his 62,979,636 votes.
And for all those who blamed her for not having spent more time in precisely the places where more votes would have changed the EC votes, I wonder how many of them actually expected trump to win, by either count.
I am not 100% happy with Biden, but I am still fine with most of what he has done. Inhumane conditions for immigration & additional work requirements imposed on the poor receiving benefits are my main issues with his results.
And he is a vastly improved Biden over the one who gave us Clarence Thomas.
So Biden’s approval rating is basically the same as a one term president’s, and lower than that of the two-term president at the same points of his first term.
This is supposed to be encouraging?
I’ll note that here, Kevin chose to go with a zero-base y-axis.
Well you know, a part of why he's suffering from lowish polls is because there are so many nattering nabobs of negativism about the economy, despite averaging over 300K monthly new jobs added in the last 5 months and a surge in investment in manufacturing, while averting a default with a deal that was better than the 2011 BCA.
Democrats and those who voted for Biden in 2020 are mostly concerned about his age and mental acuity, though they likely agree with most of his policies and like what he has accomplished given the difficult political environment. We all want something new and shiny, and much younger as an alternative, but that is unlikely.
Big question is, can the 2020 coalition who elected Biden be repeated in 2024. If its against Orange Jesus, I would bet the answer is yes. It gets more dicey if he has to face DeathSantis, but he has a whole lot of negatives, including a 6 week abortion ban that can be wrapped around his fucking neck. A young, vibrant, less divisive person, like Tim Scott could be problematic, notwithstanding the ultra right wing policy positions and voting record. Unclear if he or anyone else can get the GOP nomination, but if that Orange sack of shit is convicted, who knows.
A significant recession leading up to the election could certainly shake things up.
RE: Tim Scott. I don't think he's going to get the far right Christianist voter. They are racist as hell. They won't vote for Biden. I think many will just stay home.
Biden’s polling numbers are “average” is the kind of headline you will never see in “mainstream” media outlets.
For one thing, it just doesn’t fit the narrative of Biden failure. And the media will never let him win re-election without framing it as a shocking (if not unprecedented!) comeback.
Also, of course, asserting that anything is “average” just isn’t dramatic, or more accurately, negative and scary enough. Democrats must panic!
Finally, I can’t shake the feeling, however anecdotal it may be, that the media really doesn’t like Biden. He’s boring. He gets stuff done largely without enough drama (and mostly behind closed doors).
The only times when he makes dramatic statements, he does so in a way that “both sides” journalism must condemn (such as referring to MAGA as semi-fascist).
But my own personal recollection is that the media really turned up the hate on Biden after what may have ironically been his best and bravest decision: withdrawing the USA from Afghanistan. No way is the media going to allow someone guilty of ending a war to rise to the acceptable level of “average.”
It sure seems that way, and I agree with you.
I could hardly believe it when I read the headline on one of Axios' articles : "Biden's stain: U.S. flees Kabul". Biden didn't invade Iran; he didn't even negotiate the withdrawal. He merely executed the decision to end a great foreign policy error with surprisingly little loss of life.
He was the fall guy, and the latest coverage of the Republican manufactured debt-ceiling crisis shows that he still is.
Trump was evil and Obama was black. Biden is none of those things, even right wingers acknowledge he's hard to hate so he's probably doing worse since there's less baked in hate against him.
Ah, but he’s old. The NYT had an article weeks ago on the ‘age’ issue’, and the comments section was rife with ageism, which is all I can think it is when commenters demand a younger candidate but can’t even name one individual whom they consider more qualified for the office.
This is the craziest thing I've seen in a long time.
It's almost as if a President's approval rating has nothing whatsoever to do with his actual performance.