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BREAKING: Trump says Kamala is a FAKER

We've all been there: You check into Twitter, find some roiling meme in full fury, and say to yourself, "ffs, what now?" You shouldn't be forced to care, but because I'm bored; and it's the start of a long, dull dex night; and I'm just not a nice person, here's the latest:

Huh? But after a bit of cogitating, I got it: Trump is claiming that Kamala Harris's earphone isn't plugged into the phone on her desk.

The problem, I think, is that Trump is still stuck in the glorious years of his first presidential campaign, when smartphones had dedicated earphone jacks on the side. But Apple removed them and Android phones followed suit, and now earphones plug into the multiport at the bottom of the phone. In the photo above, you can see a bit of the cord exiting the phone, dropping under the desk, and then reappearing to the right. It looks just like the edge of the desk, and there's really no way to tell them apart, but there's no reason to think the cord isn't there.

Conclusion: Trump is a moron. Nonetheless, thousands of his MAGA fans are now convinced Harris staged a scene she had no reason to stage.

Don't worry, folks, I've got hours more mindless drivel like this on tap before I manage an hour of sleep. Don't say you haven't been warned.

26 thoughts on “BREAKING: Trump says Kamala is a FAKER

  1. kathleent

    Donald Trump claims most 'most people don't know what a phone app is' - but remember he is a "very stable genius" .... that must have been before he became psychotic.

  2. D_Ohrk_E1

    Not all Androids have dropped the audio plug. Motorola, Sony, and the lower end Samsung phones still have them.

    I personally think you're pointing out the metal edging of the desk reflecting back. The matter is moot, though. People keep their ear plugs on their ears even when unplugged, especially if it's temporary. By habit/user's expectations on interface, some folks will pull it out before switching to speakerphone.

    I mean really, who the fuck cares. Trump is an idiot.

    1. kahner

      exactly. who cares if or why her headphones happen to be unplugged. it's literally a deranged idea for a political attack. but i listened to seth meyers compilation of him at a rally yesterday and this is unsurprising in that context. he really has gone downhill and is strikingly more insane and idiotic than ever before.

  3. Crissa

    Only devices I've ever had the plug on the side are my laptops. The iPad is on the top, the iPhone is on the bottom, and the Androids are also on the bottom (and my last two haven't had a headphone jack)

    1. DButch

      My wife's latest Android phone by Samsung doesn't have a headphone jack, my Motorola Android (acquired at the same time as hers) does have one. Our newest headsets handle both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless connections, so most of our old wired earbuds sit in the "old tech" drawer waiting for the next electronics recycling run...

  4. TheMelancholyDonkey

    The Idiot Caucus is also claiming that the photo is staged because the papers Harris is looking at are blank. But at that angle, with that lighting, paper with text will look blank.

    1. Coby Beck

      I think Kevin is extrapolating the edge of the desk. It doesn't look like the headphone cord to me, but:
      - there is enough obscured edge that the cord could be there
      - that could be the cord?
      - people unplug from the device but leave it in the ear
      - Who TF CARES?!?!11?!

      It does remind me of those (definitely not staged) photos of Trump at the Resolute desk with nothing on it but a telephone.

  5. Adam Strange

    Personally, I don't check into Twitter, but I'm glad you do, because this made my day.

    "You have to plug the cord into the phone for it to work!"

    I think it's past Grandpa's nap time, and maybe we should be looking into a nice home for him.

    Social media has a lot of drawbacks, but it does make it harder to hide insanity/stupidity/racism/ignorance, etc.

  6. WanderinMCD

    Why is everybody ignoring the most important detail? The Vice President is drinking from a paper cup instead of a reusable mug.

  7. LeeDennis

    Other info in this pic: she's on AF Two, she's probably holding the left earphone in place so as to not miss important detail, she's taking notes so her later comments to gaggle/public will be accurate. Unlike her opponent...

  8. jakewidman

    Also, her people are too competent to stage this photo and forget to plug in the headphones or make sure the paper had writing on it. Ergo, not staged.

  9. QuakerInBasement

    Also, nowhere does this post say, "Here's a photo of Harris taken while she was being briefed..." Quite likely, some communications intern grabbed an availabe photo and created the post.

    Also also, Trump has pushed staged photos of himsef "talking" on the phone by the thousands--it's his favorite visual indicator of what an active deal-maker he is. So he's not actually trying to make a point. He's shitposting, like always.

  10. Josef

    Every day he proves just how stupid he really is. It's like a bottomless pit of abject stupidity and ignorance. It also proves how really stupid some of his supporters are. If you think numbnuts with a combover is smart you might want to stop thinking. You're not very good at it.

  11. Josef

    Trump is the ultimate faker. He's been a fake Democrat, a fake Republican, a fake successful business person and a fake Christian. There's virtually nothing genuine about the man other than being a relatively successful con man.

  12. pjcamp1905

    "We've all been there:"

    Not me. Twitter has always been for twits but now it is for racist twits. I formerly had no desire to have my paragraph size constrained and now I have no desire to join the Elon Admiration Society.

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