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California county dumps Dominion over voting conspiracy theories

Here's the latest from California, bellwether to the nation:

Swept up in unproven voter fraud claims, the Shasta County Board of Supervisors has upended the county’s election process, canceling its contract with Dominion Voting Systems and opting this week to pursue, among other options, the possibility of counting votes by hand.

Supervisor Kevin Crye, part of a newly empowered hard-right majority on the board, also announced at Tuesday’s board meeting that he had been in touch with MyPillow Chief Executive Mike Lindell, a prominent pro-Donald Trump election conspiracy theorist, about supporting a pilot voting system in the rural Northern California county.

California is basically a thin blue swath about 50 miles wide stretching from San Francisco to San Diego. The rest of it—90% of the area but only 25% of the population—is red. Much of it, like Shasta County, is very deep red.

In any case, I wonder if Supervisor Crye understands that he's just done Dominion a big favor? It's yet another data point suggesting that they've lost business in hard-right areas that watch a lot of Fox News. He should be getting a call from Dominion's lawyers tomorrow offering their grateful thanks.

22 thoughts on “California county dumps Dominion over voting conspiracy theories

    1. different_name

      It is useful to them - a great data point for calculating damages with.

      But there are so many things going poorly for them that this is hardly the worst. I'm honestly not sure which part is.

      Is it getting old Milk-eye Murdoch on tape admitting he knew his hosts were lying?

      Or maybe the proof that Dominion notified Fox in writing before Fox replied the slanders, thus providing textbook proof of legal malice?

      Stay tuned to find out!

  1. iamr4man

    Doesn’t Dominion also have a civil case against Lindell? I would think this is ultra bad news for him, though I suppose he is oblivious to that fact.

    1. bharshaw

      Interesting comment about CA's demographics. Was it Carville who described Pennsylvania as Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Alabama in between? My native state of New York isn't that much different.

      MTG's "divorce" doesn't recognize how intermixed we are.

      1. jharp

        Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Virginia….. you get the message. They are all exactly like that.

  2. Joseph Harbin

    I saw this in the paper today too, and I had two thoughts:

    a. Shasta County is doing Dominion a favor in any trial with Fox. Easy now to prove damages and what those damages might be.

    b. If red counties and red states decide to dump Dominion voting machines for machines from Mike Lindell of all people, there goes any chance of getting reliable voting data on elections in the future. Either states or the feds need to establish standards for election systems, or hasta luego, democracy.

      1. iamr4man

        I’d mind. Shasta County has the largest dam in California. We need the water.
        If they all wanted to move I’d be ok with that.

  3. CAbornandbred

    Hey Kevin, you're way off on your demographic view. CA is way more Democratic then you think. Biden won coastal counties north of SF (Marin, Sonoma, Mendocino, Humboldt) to within 50 miles of the Oregon border. He won counties east to Sacramento - 125 miles inland. He won San Bernadino County, Inyo county and Mono county which are all on the Nevada border. Lastly, he won Imperial and Riverside counties which border Arizona.

    There's a reason CA is so blue. 34 of 58 counties voted for Biden.

    1. CAbornandbred

      Oh, and as for how big Shasta County is, it's population in 2021 was 182,139 people. CA's population in 2021 was 39.24 million. So, 0.46% (a tiny number) of people live in Shasta County.

      It's a truly beautiful area in northern CA. It has Shasta Reservoir. The fact that some crackpots have gotten hold of local government is humerus, but not really important to anyone but those living there.

      1. CAbornandbred

        As an example of how little they matter in the statewide CA vote, 61,000 people in Shasta County (65.4%) voted for Trump. By comparison, 456,000 people in San Bernadino County (54.2%) voted for Biden. Shasta County just doesn't count for much in the big picture.

  4. uppercutleft

    Even that "inland 25%" is very blue, that's where Fresno and Sacramento are. You've got to go to really sparse and vacant counties to find that "solid red" mass Kevin's talking about.

    But the blue counties are pretty purple, not solid blue.

  5. tigersharktoo

    And how are they going to pay for the cost of hand counting the ballots? Raise taxes? Or go hat in hand to those devil worshiping Democrats in Sacramento and beg for money?

  6. D_Ohrk_E1

    Aside from the obvious that he's hurting his own defamation defense, why isn't this a tortious interference case?

  7. Eve

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  8. civiltwilight

    I want all electronic voting machines banned, at least for a while. Americans - right and left are losing confidence in the outcomes of elections, and voting machines are an easy target because of the mystery of the technology. I remember that TX decided not to use Dominion machines because of security concerns.
    Remember 2004 and John Kerry/Democratic Party making noises about the Diebold voting machines in Ohio?

    Of course, the problems go much deeper than that. But, voting machines are an easy target.

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