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Charlie and the two-tone whiskers

Did you notice Charlie's whiskers in yesterday's catblogging photo? They're two-toned. Some are all white and some are all black, but many of them start out white and then switch to black as they grow out. I don't think I've ever had a cat with two-toned whiskers before.

19 thoughts on “Charlie and the two-tone whiskers

  1. bbleh

    Well, like human hair, it basically retains a record of certain blood contents over time. Charlie has obviously been huffing the shoe polish again.

  2. Heysus

    My cat, the same colour as Charlie, also had black and white whiskers. And, should you wonder, the skin under the dark grey is darker than the rest. Cat's skin is also stripped. I had to shave part of my cat and found this. Plus, they are incredibly wrinkled.

    1. Salamander

      Tabbies are particularly cool! If you blow on their fur, the circular spot that's revealed has concentric bands of different colors. Before she whips around and claws your face, that is.

  3. Salamander

    My last two cats had a mix of black and white whiskers and eyebrow whiskers when they were kittens, but as they matured, all their whiskers were white, and it seems that the eyebrow whiskers all fell out (is that possible??).

    These were tuxedo cats. One is still with us, going on 18.

  4. gyrfalcon

    I have a 16-yo all-black cat, except for a couple of small spots of white of about a dozen hairs. The spots move around every 2 or 3 years. Several years ago, she grew a bright white whisker on her cheek, well back toward the ear from her usual complement of whiskers. Just the one weird whisker.

    1. cld

      When my former cat was a kitten he was run over by a car and had his hip messed up. He recovered remarkably from this, but, I think, as part of a compensating balancing system, he had a tuft of whiskers that grew out of his right wrist.

  5. Rugosa53

    My cat is all black except for a collar of scattered white hairs that seem to come and go with shedding. There's a few other white hairs here there but not in a pattern.

    1. Salamander

      When I put collars on my cats (now there are microchips), one black cat would go nearly bald under her collar, and the hairs that grew back in were white.

  6. cld

    Isn't there something where Wiccans, or something similar, use a cat whisker in magic ceremonies or spells? A two-toned one must be especially powerful.

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