Back in ancient times, light meters for cameras were designed to assume that the entire picture averaged 18% gray. Modern cameras have increasingly sophisticated ways of measuring light, but the assumption of an 18% gray average over the entire frame is still built in.
Why mention this? Because it turns out that Charlie is a very photogenic cat. Nearly every picture I take of him is almost perfectly exposed, and I've decided it's because he's an 18% gray cat. Judge for yourself.
So what you're saying is that camera equipment technology evolved to accommodate cats ... or, presumably, an idealized cat.
Makes perfect sense to me.
But wouldn't an idealized cat be spherical?
18% gray & 100% perfect
Hmmmm. High 17s.
In that photo, it must be one minute past feeding time.
Oh my, beautiful and cute Charlie is giving you that evil cat look. Be aware, be very aware...
Ears back, inspecting the camera? Charlie can't be evil!
That's what he wants you to think.
Yikes! I hope your face is healing ok…
He looks like a biter to me. Nice sewing machine. You can turn those cover boxes upside down and use them for all sorts of storage.
Yes, the real challenge is the 100% black cat.I'm always impressed by how well Mr Drum does with Hilbert.
Sorry, boring political comment. I was interested to see that Reihan Salam has become just another Koch mouthpiece. I guess agitating for the GOP to do something for the working class doesn't pay the bills, so he needed a new gig...
The Anti-C.R.T. Movement and a Vision For a New Right Wing
I checked his wikipedia entry, and he seems to have been thriving in the wingnut swamp for a long, long time already. Did he at one time actually "agitate for the working class"? That would seem off-brand...
Well... you very effectively called my bluff... but I do remember Salam, maybe 7 or 8 years ago, being one of those "reformicons" who was claiming the GOP would win over the working class by doing something good for them... and I recall that he and Ross Douthat wrote a book together even ("Grand New Party: How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream", 2009)... I wasn't aware until reading that column (the one I linked to) that he was now running the Manhattan Institute, but I know enough about the DC two-step to know what that means: time to cash in and pay for private school for the kids and a decent house... so, goodbye dreams of Mitt Romney becoming all pro-union...
Somebody is about to die.
Or take another bong hit.
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