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Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: July 3 Update

In a spontaneous act of optimism I have changed the y-axis again, this time running it from 0 to 2 (except for poor old Argentina, which is still in very rough shape). This provides a much more accurate look at the precise level and downward slope of the death rate in each of the countries.

Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through July 3. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.

21 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: July 3 Update

  1. golack

    Holiday will disrupt reporting...

    We hit 67% vaccinated (first dose, adults), just 3 percentage points short of goal.
    CO and OR hit the 70% mark.

    WY LA and MS (got the right abbreviation this time) still below 40% vaccinated (first dose, total population), with LA and MS still below half of adults vaccinated (first dose).

  2. rick_jones

    except for poor old Argentina, which is still in very rough shapeThey seem to have company...

    Rank Population (Millions) Country Deaths/Day/Million 7-dav Avg
    1 7.04 Paraguay 17.64
    2 2.49 Namibia 16.09
    3 50.34 Colombia 12.20
    4 44.78 Argentina 10.45 *
    5 4.97 Oman 8.38
    6 11.69 Tunisia 8.33
    7 1.39 Trinidad and Tobago 8.09
    8 3.46 Uruguay 7.80
    9 211.05 Brazil 7.35 *
    10 18.95 Chile 6.11
    23 9.75 Honduras 2.42
    24 5.05 Costa Rica 2.38
    25 21.32 Sri Lanka 1.92
    37 2.95 Jamaica 1.21
    38 127.58 Mexico 1.19 *
    39 7.00 Bulgaria 1.16
    52 444.97 EU 0.69
    53 329.06 US 0.68 *
    54 1366.42 India 0.65
    64 2.76 Lithuania 0.52
    65 37.41 Canada 0.49 *
    66 83.52 Germany 0.48 *
    67 11.26 Haiti 0.46
    68 65.13 France 0.44 *
    69 34.27 Saudi Arabia 0.43
    70 4.04 Moldova 0.42
    71 8.77 Serbia 0.423
    72 60.55 Italy 0.422 *
    73 6.78 Libya 0.422
    74 37.89 Poland 0.411
    75 10.23 Portugal 0.405
    76 46.74 Spain 0.403 *
    77 4.98 West Bank and Gaza 0.401
    83 100.39 Egypt 0.256
    84 67.53 United Kingdom 0.250 *
    85 54.05 Burma 0.248
    88 7.82 Sierra Leone 0.201
    89 8.59 Switzerland 0.200 *
    90 126.86 Japan 0.199
    95 9.68 Hungary 0.177
    96 17.07 Syria 0.176
    97 10.04 Sweden 0.171 *
    98 36.47 Morocco 0.165

    * Countries currently or formerly tracked by Kevin.

      1. Jerry O'Brien

        Uruguay, too. They're ahead of the United States in vaccinated share, and it looks like the difference between 55% vaccinated and 65% vaccinated might be important.

          1. edutabacman

            Uruguay uses Sinovac and Pfizer (I believe it's mostly Sinovac)
            The efficacy of Sinovac is lower than Pfizer (60% vs. 78%, estimated in the field in Uruguay), but not hugely lower. And both seem to have about the same effect on diminishing hospitalizations (~90%).

            So, maybe Sinovac's low efficiency is hampering slowing the spread of the virus, but it should still slow it (as I think it has)

      2. Rattus Norvegicus

        Chile, the country not the stew, depended mostly on Sinovac. A lot of countries which depended on that vaccine are experiencing tons of breakthrough infections.

    1. Spadesofgrey

      The Problems with the article is that it focuses on abortion when with key voters, gun control and immigration are the far bigger issue. Identity politics itself is right wing. Class politics is left wing. People forget this. Gun control and immigration are very much in the mind of the proletariat. They believe they should be allowed to own a semiautomatic rifle. They don't want foreigners used as scabs to take jobs and lower their wages.

      Both those issues are traditionally class issues, supported by left wing groups up until the 70's. Politics is a mess right now. Inversions going on used by the far right to push identity politics and setting the stage one world government aka Zionism.

  3. D_Ohrk_E1

    You can see rising infections spreading to more states. Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Wyoming, Virginia, Nebraska, and others have hit a floor on infections and are now rising.

      1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

        If the most loyal Desantistas in the Villages & elsewhere die before November 2022, it will be the GQP having the greatest number of deceased vote registrants casting fraudulent ballots.

  4. edutabacman

    "except for poor old Argentina, which is still in very rough shape"

    Hi from poor old here, Kevin!

    Maybe you could adjust Argentina's axis to be between 9 and 11, say. At least we could then compare the slope with the rest...

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