The Johns Hopkins dataset already has a new record (empty for now) that's set up for "2020 Olympic Games." I can't blame them, of course, but it's kind of discouraging to see.
Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through June 25. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.
And now up to 4 with Arkansas knocking on the door....
Four states with cases above 10 new cases/day/100K:
MO 12.2 and not done getting its due
NV 10.8, ain't that great
WY 10.4 but won't be much more
UT 10.1 rising like the sun
AR 9.5 and not being shy.
(results may shift a bit with updates are done later today)
CovidActNow lets you switch between vaccine and risk maps at the state level--and for the most part, the current outbreaks are in areas of lower vaccination.
From CDC, 65.8% of adults vaccinated (at least one dose):
VA still last state to cross 70% threshold (at least 1st vaccine dose, adults only) MN, 69.5%, and DE, 69.4%, should make that mark next week, with CO, 69.2%, and OR, 69.1%, close behind. They have a shot of making it by the 4th of July. PR passed by WI in vaccine race, now at 65.2%, but probably won't make the deadline.
Arkansas underperforming El Pepe Maximo's vaxxx goal & resulting in a major Delta Variant outbreak is GOOD NEWS for SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS'S GUBERNATORIAL CAMPAIGN.
Thanks for the updates. Too bad about these hot spots.
And now a post with a link....
The Guardian has a write up on the AztraZeneca vaccine and its development.
Apparently Oxford want to partner with Merck first.
The fine folks at Johns Hopkins have decided to anoint "Summer Olympics 2020" as a country and so added that to their countries spreadsheet. And of course, have done so in alphabetical order rather than appending...
Rank Population (Millions) Country Deaths/Day/Million 7-dav Avg
1 7.04 Paraguay 17.24
2 3.46 Uruguay 12.42
3 50.34 Colombia 11.72
4 44.78 Argentina 11.55 *
5 211.05 Brazil 9.66 *
6 2.49 Namibia 9.22
7 32.51 Peru 8.05
8 1.64 Bahrain 7.83
9 11.51 Bolivia 7.48
10 1.39 Trinidad and Tobago 7.07
40 4.25 Panama 1.28
41 127.58 Mexico 1.27 *
42 5.46 Slovakia 1.18
46 37.89 Poland 1.01
47 444.97 EU 0.99
48 10.10 Jordan 0.99
49 6.42 Kyrgyzstan 0.98
50 83.52 Germany 0.95 *
51 329.06 US 0.92 *
52 2.08 Slovenia 0.89
53 512.50 EU w/o Brexit 0.88
54 11.33 Cuba 0.84
55 83.43 Turkey 0.82
56 65.13 France 0.79 *
57 270.63 Indonesia 0.78
60 16.49 Cambodia 0.72
61 60.55 Italy 0.71 *
62 4.98 West Bank and Gaza 0.69
66 39.31 Iraq 0.60
67 37.41 Canada 0.58 *
68 44.27 Uganda 0.57
74 34.27 Saudi Arabia 0.471
75 46.74 Spain 0.462 *
76 126.86 Japan 0.438
77 2.83 Qatar 0.404
97 31.83 Angola 0.153
98 67.53 United Kingdom 0.152 *
99 17.10 Netherlands 0.150
100 8.59 Switzerland 0.150 *
101 10.05 Azerbaijan 0.142
* Country currently or formerly tracked by Kevin
It's always fun when they re-arrange the table.
India still has one of the highest number of total deaths per day but a much lower rate...and Brazil manages to be beating India in total number. S. America is still being hit hard. Biden really has to make an extra effort to get vaccines and PPE out. And we'll see if Bolsonaro can ride it out...
Thanks for the update. Latin America is still having a really hard time, it looks like.