Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through March 24. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.
5 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: March 24 Update”
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Cats, charts, and politics
Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through March 24. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.
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The Typhoid Mary's of stupid,
Just 12 people are responsible for '73% of Facebook's anti-vaxx content',
and they told two friends who told two friends who....
It's their own info. pandemic.
Michigan's thumb is really bleeding now...deaths going up along with increases in hospitalizations and cases.
NY recent drop in deaths was indeed an artifact, and drop in cases may just be a blip too--time will tell.
PA joined the over 25 club, DE dropped out (new cases/day/100K). MN and SD rates still climbing, but not there yet, as are VT and NH rates. ME may have turned things around and is going down.
NJ, CT, MA, and RI still bad.
At the other end. WI got out of the pool. The rest are staying in: WA, OR, CA, NV, AZ, NM, KS, OK. MO, AR, AL, MS, LA, HI, PR, NMI.
Big states: CA still doing well, TX drifting down (below 12, though the chimney is getting red hot), FL may be drifting up a little (almost at 22 now), NY and PA are not doing well, and IL is drifting up and OH might have bottomed out too.
NY has been flat for awhile. Weather will kill that soon enough.
Yes, hospitalizations have been pretty flat.