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24 thoughts on “Joe Biden Turns Out Not To Be Senile

      1. rameshumfj

        wow that is two hands worth of fingers...

        Seriously though, any comparison is damning with very very faint praise though, IMHO.


  1. Special Newb

    I mean GOP set the bar to the floor all the way up from just above hell where Trump put it.

    I think there were legitimate questions based on his spacey early primary performance but those were addressed a year ago.

  2. Traveller

    I liked his honesty on...I don't know...and...we will see over time as this or that develops.

    Just the way it is for all of us in real life. He did well in my opinion, though I did not see all of the Press Conference. (and the distinction between Biden and bombastic Trump should be noted also).

    Best Wishes, Traveller

    1. J. Frank Parnell

      Silly conservatives believe their own bullshit. Biden is senile, the January 6 insurgency was led by antifa, it was China (not Russia) that interfered in the election, and on and on and on and . . . Reminds me of early in Obama's term when they became convinced Obama couldn't talk without a teleprompter. The Republican caucus invited him to speak with them on the condition he couldn't use a teleprompter. Sure, Obama liked teleprompters, but he didn't need a stinkin teleprompter to demonstrate he was smarter and better spoken than the whole bunch of clowns that constituted the Republican caucus.

      1. iamr4man

        Just like the current Republican wet dream of Biden debating Putin and “losing”. The are actively rooting for Putin. Amazing!

  3. drickard1967

    Will Republicans pretend this press conference didn't happen, or will they claim that Uncle Joe was chemically enhanced to pass as competent? Stay tuned to find out!

    1. bbleh

      Oh come on! Haven't you heard about the latest probably-Q-drop? That wasn't Joe Biden at all! It's obvious -- he's not stumbling over his words or falling asleep on his feet! That was an actor who looks like Joe Biden, who was repeating answers he got through his earpiece from the Real President in Mar-a-Lago! That's the only possible explanation! And of course the Secret Service is in on it -- they're the ones holding the actual Biden in his basement -- because they know he's not the real President!

      It's all so obvious, and it was all predicted! Wake UP, people!

  4. bigcrouton

    I'll admit to feeling a little nervous beforehand, but he ended being very good. I especially liked his strong rebuke of Republican efforts to restrict voting rights, calling them "sick", then providing easy to relate to examples.

  5. skeptonomist

    As a matter of fact Biden has held many press conferences before, from when he was a relatively young man and not subject to accusations of senility. It is no secret that he has sometimes made dreaded "gaffes" - this was constantly discussed during the campaign. Yet he managed to win the election. Maybe "gaffes" are not as important to voters as the media like to think, or as they make out in talking or writing about them. From many of the things that Trump said it might well have been supposed that he was in his second childhood (and maybe he is) but this also made much less impression on voters than the media seemed to think.

  6. rameshumfj

    I have taken to affectionately (thats what I am going with now, though it started as a snark when he was still flailing about) calling him Bidey Bo (in spite of his own emotional baggage about that)!! Upon reading this post, I wrote to my family
    "While I think this could be snark on the part of KD, I remember some youngsters raising this objection at a time when the alternative was literally and figuratively and every respect imaginable, a zero.

    I also read somewhere that BB is planning to run again go figure....
    [blank space in SMS terms drumroll]
    something other than his age"

  7. kahner

    predictably, a bunch of idiots on my fb feed still are freaking out about "senile biden could barely speak" or some such nonsense. it's so weird how detached from reality republicans are.

  8. KenSchulz

    I think whole countries can have psychotic breaks from reality. Pakistan’s military has held on to power for decades by ensuring that the population is obsessed with the imminent invasion by India, although it is absolutely clear that the last thing India wants is more Moslems within its borders.

  9. azumbrunn

    I think it is clear by now that Biden has shown himself to be a better president than even his supporters ha hoped.

    Trump was even worse than we feared. Biden is better than we thought he would be.

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