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10 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: May 19 Update

  1. golack

    There's always funkiness in reporting, but it looks like next week will be the first week in a long while when we do not have any state reporting more than 100 deaths on a given day. FL will probably have a day or two in the 90's and MI likes to report a lot of deaths on Tuesdays, but next Tuesday, might just get below 100.

    Here's the CNN article about how low vaccinated states are seeing higher growth in cases:

    News organizations really should be reporting "days to 70%" vaccinated per state. That will really hit home--and covers both current level of vaccinations plus vaccination rates. And the CDC should come up with guidelines for public facing businesses--mask mandates until at least 50% vaccinated in your state.

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      Why would the Wyoming GQP -- which just sat by idly (at best) or cheerily (much more likely) as their at-large House member Liz Cheney was defenestrated -- or Oklahoma Snowball Fight Champions, for starters, trifle with the lamestream media admonishing their states for resisting the Bill & Melinda Gates Tracking Program?

      1. golack

        Gates should set up an X-prize. $10 million to the first three states to hit 70% vaccinated, $1 million to the next 25 states, and territories, reaching that level.
        Of course that would prove the microchip conspiracy.

        1. akapneogy

          There is nothing that you can do to encourage being vaccinated without confirming the microchip conspiracy.

    1. Ken Rhodes

      Syphilis was once incurable. Then Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. Now, when diagnosed early, syphilis can be easily cured with antibiotics.

      Covid-19 is not now curable, even when diagnosed early. Someday, perhaps. Or perhaps not; after all, we have no cure for shingles. Fortunately, as bad as it is, Covid-19 is not usually fatal, and early diagnosis helps tilt the odds in the patient's favor.

      Stupidity, OTOH, is not now curable, nor will it ever be, even when diagnosed very early.

  2. Vog46

    Well, looks like all the north of the equator countries are heading into the summer doldrums
    Then watch what happens in oct/nov

    Now flip the script and look at Argentina

    I do hope we have a lot more people vaccinated by then

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