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DeSantis targets—and hits—voter registration drives

Last year Florida lobbed a tactical nuke at groups that register voters by dramatically raising the fines when they make mistakes—like delivering forms late or to the wrong county. Today the Guardian tells us that in less than nine months Florida has collected more than $100,000 in fines, 80% of which have come from three lefty groups: Hard Knocks, the Hispanic Federation, and Poder Latinx. Hard Knocks is suspicious:

Are voter registration organizations on the right being targeted as aggressively and frequently in Florida as those seeking to register voters of color and other underrepresented communities? Given Governor DeSantis’ track record, that question may be rhetorical.”

In 2019, independent registration drives signed up more than 60,000 new voters. Halfway through this year the number is barely over 2,000. That's mission accomplished for Ron DeSantis, who knows perfectly well that voter registration has always been a strongly Democratic priority, especially among voters of color.

6 thoughts on “DeSantis targets—and hits—voter registration drives

  1. different_name

    I have a family member who has Maga brainworms. Last time she started ranting about who shouldn't be voting, I joined in - "...and we need to start giving seniors competency tests. If you don't know what year it is, you shouldn't be voting".

    Wow, did that ever set her off.

  2. Jasper_in_Boston

    "...democracy is strong despite the best efforts of Donald Trump and the MAGAnauts..."—Kevin Drum, July 12, 2023.

    Sure, "strong" perhaps if measured by the standards of Hungary or Türkiye.

  3. rick_jones

    So, Disney/Iger, being in it to win it, should start either running, or supporting, voter registration drives. Even if the rules are Fizbin (but getting the county wrong seems like an odd mistake to make…) I would think Disney could navigate it.

  4. civiltwilight

    "mistakes like delivering forms late or to the wrong county." The voter registration groups need to get the forms in on time and to the right place. Problem solved.

  5. Pingback: Die Schweden legen am Sprungturm im Bermudadreieck eine wasserstoffgetriebene Kulturkampfpause ein - Vermischtes 20.07.2023 - Deliberation Daily

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