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Egg fried rice can be a dangerous dish

Today's edition of little-known facts features the son of Mao Zedong:

Mao Anying, a Chinese military officer, was killed by US bombers on 25 November 1950 during the Korean war. A persistent but frequently denied rumour says he was trying to cook egg fried rice instead of taking shelter, and the smoke from the fire exposed his position to enemy forces.

How about that? Anyway, a celebrity chef posted a video about how to make egg fried rice near the anniversary of Mao's death and now everyone is pissed at him. “As a chef, I will never make fried rice again,” Wang said in his apology on Monday after taking down the video.

11 thoughts on “Egg fried rice can be a dangerous dish

  1. brainscoop

    He pledges to never cook fried rice again because he posted a video on how to make it near the anniversary of the death of Mao's son, who died 73 years ago, because of a rumor? Xi's China is looking more and more like Mao's China every day.

  2. Bobber

    Maybe he should have shown how to cook fried rice without making smoke.

    (I read the linked article, and me brain kept trying to change Mao Anying to Mao Anything,)

  3. J. Frank Parnell

    What if Trump gets reelected and ends up choking on a Big Mac? It will likely become forbidden to post about hamburgers near the anniversary.

  4. Salamander

    Well, given that I don't stir fry outside in the middle of a war, I think I'll continue making fried rice without fear. Maybe turkey fried rice...

  5. kahner

    "This year’s gaffe was Wang’s third offence. He released similar videos around the time of the anniversary of Mao Anying’s death in 2018 and 2020"

    Sounds like this guy is just doing smart social media promotion.

  6. D_Ohrk_E1

    There are people who fry their egg separately. I drop the egg in last, let it sit for a moment before I furiously mix things around in the wok.

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