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Raw data: How much your state profits from Ukraine aid

Joe Biden is resorting to some old school politics today. If members of Congress won't approve aid to Ukraine on the merits, maybe they'll do it just to selfishly bring home dollars to their districts:

This is all great, but just remember who your friends are, Joe. California only gets $18 per person while Texas gets $31, Florida gets $44, Mississippi gets $134, Alabama gets $184, and Missouri gets $208? Come on. But at least we're better off than Illinois, which didn't even crack ten cents.

13 thoughts on “Raw data: How much your state profits from Ukraine aid

  1. Keith B

    If the Speaker of the House brings it to a vote, it will pass. That's it, bottom line. Enough Republicans will vote for it to help the Democrats pass it. But none of them will defy the Speaker and join with the Democrats to file a discharge petition. They've already proven that. And Mike Johnson is from Louisiana, and I don't see anything going to that state on the map.

    1. Srho

      Rhetorically: how many military contractors in Vermont?

      I don't see Alaska on the map, but some of its Native corporations own defense subsidiaries in the Lower 48.

  2. different_name

    Sleepy Brandon should be doing more of this! Old-school demonstrations that helping others is also self-interest go a long way with normal humans.

  3. rick_jones

    Well, Kevin, if California were to attract (more) of the defense industry (or shrink its population) the per-capita largesse would increase.

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