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Election threats pouring in from party that begins with R

The New York Times reports on a "torrent" of threats against election officials as Election Day approaches:

“Our polling places have become battlegrounds,” Isaac Cramer, executive director of South Carolina’s Charleston County Board of Voter Registration and Elections, said in congressional testimony this year. He described one particularly unnerving practice being employed against his poll workers — roving groups who show up at voting locations to threaten volunteers and staff with citizen arrests.

Sara Tindall Ghazal, a member of the Georgia state election board, said officials had faced an array of tactics, including death threats and hoax calls intended to elicit an armed police response.

They don't mention which party is responsible for the threats, but maybe you can take a guess?

41 thoughts on “Election threats pouring in from party that begins with R

  1. Justin

    Well, I’m not an R and I’d just like to say that I’m happy to threaten this Catholic freak.

    Carlo Maria Vigano, who served as the Vatican’s ambassador to the US from 2011 until 2016, penned a fiery open letter to American Catholics in which he said this November, they must “choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation. The choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan,” Vigano wrote.

    Go punch a priest. Fire bomb a church. Or a mosque, or synagogue… it’s all the same. Arabs in Michigan hate you!

    Genocide Joe is a jackass. Should never have picked sides. Jackass

    Fuck the Arabs. They aren’t liberal anyway. Fucking religious terrorists. Drop dead.

  2. TheMelancholyDonkey

    There are a lot of people who don't understand what a proper citizen's arrest is. These goons are going to get themselves brought up on kidnapping charges.

    1. Yehouda

      It is so hyper-hypocritic, maybe they actually want to keep the "fascist" talk alive (presumably becaue they actually want Trump to lose, clearly true for McConnel, not obvious for Johnson).

      1. zic

        I think they're now angling for a Trump win, pulling out the 25th amenemdment, and a President Vance to make all their wet dreams come true.

          1. Josef

            They'll just turn the MAGA anger to them instead. If Trump leaves it'll be what he thinks is in his best interest. I'm not sure he thinks that. I'm sure they think they can do it. Boy will they be in for the surprise of their lives.

  3. Citizen99

    Ah, reminiscing! This reminds me of nothing more than the way the Mob ruled in the good old days in Chicago. When I had a bar band, they sent someone to let us know that if we didn't join the Musicians' Union, we might arrive one day to find all our equipment smashed to smithereens.

    We joined the union.

    1. zic

      I believe that the election is already settled, and that Trump is losing bigly.

      I've believed that since he started cancelling appearances and JD Vance exited to stage right and Kennedy rode of into the sunset. Elon thinks he can salvage the loss, but it's doubtful. I expect another twitter debacle.

      1. Doctor Jay

        Yeah, I watched clips from the 39 minute Trump dance-a-thon and had the reaction of "he thinks he's losing and he doesn't want to do politics any more". But he loves the rallies.

        And yet, I must be careful. Not all the signs point that way. I tell myself every day that I don't know what's going to happen.

  4. AnotherKevin

    The NYT has taken a lot of VERY deserved abuse this year for "sane washing" trump, and for "both siderism" in circumstances that are not even remotely balanced, but they just keep doing it. They cannot possibly be unaware at this point (especially with the heroic, thoroughly deserved, regular mocking of NYT pitchbot). That it continues makes it clearly a deliberate (and indefensible) decision from upper management and ownership. They deserve neither respect nor subscriptions.

    1. ScentOfViolets

      Oh, yeah. I cancelled back in June over inappropriate editorial control over content by the owners and been vindicated in spades ever since. Bear in mind that these days most the NYT's revenue is derived from its puzzles/games content.

      1. rick_jones

        I’ve seen suggestion that rather than cancel one’s subscription to the Post, one should instead cancel one’s Amazon Prime subscription.

  5. cld

    Russian actors made fake video depicting mail-in ballots for Trump being destroyed, FBI says ,

    YARDLEY, Pa. (AP) — Russian actors were behind a widely circulated video falsely depicting mail-in ballots for Donald Trump being destroyed in Pennsylvania, U.S. officials confirmed on Friday.

    The video had taken off on social media Thursday but was debunked within three hours by local election officials and law enforcement after members of the public reported it.

    U.S. officials said in a statement sent by the FBI that they believe the video was “manufactured and amplified” by Russian actors. The officials said it’s part of “Moscow’s broader effort to raise unfounded questions about the integrity of the U.S. election and stoke divisions among Americans.”

    The information was released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

    The Bucks County Board of Elections had identified the video as fake on Thursday, saying the envelope and other materials in the video “are clearly not authentic materials belonging to or distributed by” the board.

    . . .

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