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Friday Cat Blogging – 1 April 2022

This is Charlie playing with his adored little string thingie. Shortly after this picture was taken, he picked it up in his mouth and deposited it in his water dish. We call this "learning to swim." Marian fished it out, and a couple of minutes later Charlie deposited it yet again in the water dish. This is currently the fate of any cat toy small enough for him to pick up in his mouth.

15 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 1 April 2022

  1. pflash

    Had a cat that did the same. I thought it had to do with depositing something important at an important location.

  2. bebopman

    It’s part of the ceremony. He likes to sanctify his prey to honor it before he kills it. Also, it’s a reminder that he is utterly adorable and is allowed to get away with anything he wants to do. In case you forget.

  3. SDSwmr

    An acquaintance of mine whose cat did that told me that his cat "likes to drown his prey." He was joking, I think. It's interesting that some cats do that, but not all. I've seen dogs do it too, but not as frequently.

  4. KawSunflower

    He may be a lanky teenager now, but it's endearing to see that he hasn't lost his kittenish curiosity & playfulness.

    And his quirk seems preferable to my small companion dipping her paw into her water dish for unknown reasons.

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