I have bad news today. Hopper has been losing weight lately, and we intended to let a vet take a look at her after her tail had healed. We did that on Monday and it turned out that she was much sicker than we knew. Her kidneys were essentially gone, and although IV fluids would make her feel better for a few days, our vet said that her chances of permanently recovering were close to zero.
So we did the necessaries and had her put to sleep. She was only eight years old. The picture below is the last one I took of her, just before my Louisiana vacation.
I'm so sorry, Kevin.
As a testimonial to Hopper why not replace the scrolling pics at the header of the blog with a scroll through a collection of Hopper pictures for awhile? Maybe for a week or so?
I'd rather look at Hopper than Huntington Beach, or you teeing off at a golf course, or the John Wayne Airport.
Just a thought
Oh, I’m so very sorry for your loss Kevin. Such heartbreaking news.
My condolences to you and Marian - and give Hilpert an special hug.
Hopper, together with your brother, you have been bringing great joy to me every week.
Thank you! You will be dearly remembered.
I'm just catching up on things I missed over the weekend and ran into this. I am sadder than I would have expected. Condolences to you and Marian, and how's Hilbert doing?