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Friday Cat Blogging – 12 November 2021

I have bad news today. Hopper has been losing weight lately, and we intended to let a vet take a look at her after her tail had healed. We did that on Monday and it turned out that she was much sicker than we knew. Her kidneys were essentially gone, and although IV fluids would make her feel better for a few days, our vet said that her chances of permanently recovering were close to zero.

So we did the necessaries and had her put to sleep. She was only eight years old. The picture below is the last one I took of her, just before my Louisiana vacation.

70 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 12 November 2021

  1. KawSunflower

    And thank you for that last photo of Hopper being one of her looking straight ahead; the best farewell portrait by which to remember her.

  2. akapneogy

    So sorry. I extended the life of my cat by by dripping fluids into him (as instructed by the vet) every other day for a year. He hated it at first, but soon realized that the fluid was doing him good. We grew closer. He would look up at me when I was sitting in my chair reading, seemingly asking for my permission before curling up on my lap. He gave back with gratitude every bit of care I gave him.

  3. Art Eclectic

    I am so very sorry. I lost one two months ago to the same thing, but he was 18 and got a full measure. 8 years was too short.

  4. Larry Jones

    Sad news. Thanks to your pictures and descriptions -- and their general adorableness -- Hibert and Hopper have become part of my imaginary family. I feel your pain, Kevin. And that is truly a lovely farewell photograph.

  5. robertnill

    I'm so sorry to hear that Kevin, she was a good girl. Kitties and kidneys. I had to put down my previous two cats for the same reason, but you did the right and humane thing.

    RIP, Hopper.

  6. dbtfan

    I’m so very sorry to hear about your cat. You gave him a good life and a humane death, and I guess that’s about as much as any of us could hope for. Condolences to you and yours…

  7. Rattus Norvegicus

    I'm sorry to hear that Kevin. Losing a pet is always hard, when I had to put my Oscar to sleep at 21 I cried gallons. I hope Hilbert takes this well, it can be tough on them as well.

  8. varmintito

    I'm sorry to hear that. You made the right decision but it is never easy. I have a dog and three cats that are all getting up there and I'm dreading the inevitable goodbyes.

  9. J. Frank Parnell

    Condolences. Losing a pet is so hard. One feels you have a special communcation with them, yet they don't grasp you are saying goodbye for the last time. Nothing bad to be said about living a good life, be it brief or long.

  10. MindGame

    So sorry for you, Marion, and Hilbert, Kevin. I had a wonderful, extremely gregarious cat many years ago who also at just eight years old suddenly succumbed to cancer within a few weeks. It's so devastating to lose a little friend like that so unexpectedly.

  11. Silver

    So very sorry to hear this. We are still mourning the loss of our pet (a dog, though) a month back. The feelings are tough, sorrow and loss mixed with a gnawing feeling of inadequacy, feeling bad about not realizing the extent of suffering earlier at the same time as wondering if just a little more time with medical help had been "better". It is so hard having to make these decisions for another living being, and a loved one at that!

  12. julierwright

    That's so sad. She was a great cat who had a wonderful life, but eight years is short and it must be a shock. Thank you for telling us, and I'm sorry.

  13. eirked

    So sorry for your loss. The same thing (minus the tail injury) happened to one of our cats. Still miss her. And probably always will.

  14. OhSusannah

    Happy Trails, Sweet Hopper, until you are reunited with your family. Kevin, I send my deepest sympathies to you and Marian and Hilbert for the loss of your dear one.

  15. VaLiberal

    Kevin, I am so sorry. I lost my best boy Pokemon at 13 for the same reason. It's terrible that you and Marian had to go through the same thing too.

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