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Friday Cat Blogging – 13 December 2024

This is Charlie hiding behind the drapes. Earlier this week he was there having a staredown with our local squirrel. I don't know what the deal is with this. The squirrel loves to sit at a distance and chirrup wildly at the cats as if they're invading his territory, not the other way around. The cats mostly just take it in stride. They seem entirely uninterested in the possibility of squirrel for lunch.

11 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 13 December 2024

  1. Justin

    Concerto grosso in G minor, Op. 6, No. 8 by Arcangelo Corelli, known commonly as the Christmas Concerto, was commissioned by Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni and published posthumously in 1714 as part of Corelli's Twelve concerti grossi, Op. 6. The concerto bears the inscription Fatto per la notte di Natale (made for the night of Christmas).


  2. D_Ohrk_E1


    "If the height to the top of the tree branch where Squirrel is at is I meters and my leap constant is Kr in the mornings when the dew point is Dam and the temperature is Tam, assuming a starting height of Is and a springing value of Wd from a base elevation of E, therefore Dam*ITam/Is(Kr)^E(Wd)? No, no, that can't be right. Let's go over that again..."

  3. Displaced Canuck

    we can't let out cat out because he eats any animal he can caught and he is surprising good at caughting them given his girth.

  4. bouncing_b

    One of the funniest things about cats is how they think they are hiding but forget about that tail sticking out ... and probably waving around if they see anything interesting.

    1. Adam Strange

      I think the "waving tail" is an evolutionary adaptation which distracts the prey's attention away from the cat's head.

  5. Adam Strange

    Cats are extraordinary hunting machines. They have shortened digestive systems so they can move faster. They have tons of modifications which all add up to being deadly hunters, but the mods also seem to make cats susceptible to health problems.

    I once watched a neighbor's cat crossing my back yard, when it noticed a mouse in the middle of the yard.
    The mouse saw the cat see him, and looked left and right, only to find that the safety of a fence was too far away. Nevertheless, the mouse broke out running.
    The cat covered the distance between it and the mouse in the blink of an eye.
    The mouse, seeing that it was doomed, turned and faced the cat on its hind legs, with bared teeth.
    The cat took the mouse's head off in one clean bite, and let the body lie there.

    That mouse's actions were the bravest thing that I have ever seen.

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