This is Hilbert in his favorite place: Marian's arms. However, my sister says he's adapted extremely well to her arms and her brushing technique. Purr, purr.
8 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 20 May 2022”
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Cats, charts, and politics
Ah, bien merci
You know, it's interesting. I know a few cats who are quite attached to their owners, but WILL NOT BE HELD by anyone, including said owner. They will come by and request/demand petting and attention, but don't you DARE pick them up.
Always a lot of fun taking them to the vet or on trips.
Others such as Hilbert, are quite delighted with it.
Largely depends on whether the cat was held and cuddled a lot as a kitten or not. The ones I've known who weren't for one reason or another, are as you describe-- affectionate and attentive, but very unhappy being picked up and won't sit on a lap for anything. Kittens I raised and cuddled and held actually insisted on being picked up frequently.
Like a lot of critters, there's a several-weeks window in which they will imprint on a person or even a dog, but if you miss that, fuggedaboudit.
A cat's just gotta make do, I guess. "If you can't be with the one you love, then love the one you're with."
Say, that’s a catchy phrase. I’ll have to remember it…
"Eat your heart out Charlie"
My mother had a tuxedo cat like Hilbert. We fought all the time in battle. Paw battling, he would scratch up my arm if I was too slow. Then he enjoyed his pets. Very weird cats they are.
What a sweet picture. Thank you.