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8 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 20 May 2022

  1. Doctor Jay

    You know, it's interesting. I know a few cats who are quite attached to their owners, but WILL NOT BE HELD by anyone, including said owner. They will come by and request/demand petting and attention, but don't you DARE pick them up.

    Always a lot of fun taking them to the vet or on trips.

    Others such as Hilbert, are quite delighted with it.

    1. gyrfalcon

      Largely depends on whether the cat was held and cuddled a lot as a kitten or not. The ones I've known who weren't for one reason or another, are as you describe-- affectionate and attentive, but very unhappy being picked up and won't sit on a lap for anything. Kittens I raised and cuddled and held actually insisted on being picked up frequently.

      Like a lot of critters, there's a several-weeks window in which they will imprint on a person or even a dog, but if you miss that, fuggedaboudit.

  2. Salamander

    A cat's just gotta make do, I guess. "If you can't be with the one you love, then love the one you're with."

  3. Spadesofgrey

    My mother had a tuxedo cat like Hilbert. We fought all the time in battle. Paw battling, he would scratch up my arm if I was too slow. Then he enjoyed his pets. Very weird cats they are.

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