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Yes, Paris is the correct answer

I felt a little bad for making my Rome "Where am I" picture so hard, so I decided to make yesterday's a little easier. The fragment in the top right of the picture is indeed the Eiffel Tower. Here's a better picture:

This was taken from Pont Mirabeau while I was puttering around at night after dinner. On Saturday we begin our cruise down the Seine to Normandy on the Viking Skaga. When we return, we'll spend a couple of weeks in an Airbnb rental and then head home.

So far everything has been great. Not a single hiccup. Keep your fingers crossed.

20 thoughts on “Yes, Paris is the correct answer

  1. bethby30

    Just make sure you wear your mask as much as possible. I just got back from a VIking river trip in Belgium and the Netherlands. Around 10 people wound up quarantined in a hotel after testing positive for covid which is definitely not fun.

  2. Salamander

    Is that a little Statue of Liberty (La Liberté éclairant le monde) in front of it? Or is it full size?

  3. ScentOfViolets

    I've always wanted to visit Hungary, sigh. The home of so much culture and intellectual development at the turn of the last century.

  4. ScentOfViolets

    But Paris is good too I've always wanted to do the Groethendiecke tour. Or maybe the Aristocats 🙂

  5. cld

    While you're there try to find that vampire theater where they actually drink somebody's blood on stage and no one knows it's for real.

  6. treeeetop57

    Passent les jours et passent les semaines
    Ni temps passé
    Ni les amours reviennent
    Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine

    Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure
    Les jours s'en vont je demeure

  7. robertnill

    May I suggest a visit to the Musee de Plans et Reliefs in Les Invalides if you've never been. It's a collection of giant relief maps and models originally build to show French kings how the latest siege of Strasbourg was going and so on. Really wacky.
    And this little place not too far away is a great place to tuck into some classic French bistro cooking:

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