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10 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 24 January 2025

      1. dspcole

        Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting an edit like your guy at MoJo.. Don’t want to get you all in a tizzy. 😉

  1. D_Ohrk_E1

    David Attenborough: "The Maine Coon Felis catus, or as it is more commonly called, 'kitty cat'. Known for their sharp eyesight in dim light, the oldest domestic cat variant in America is known to sit stoically for several minutes as it stalks its prey comprised of mice, rats, and small birds. Charlie carefully follows the sun's path as he surveys the backyard garden for intruding prey. And when he is ready, he will pounce and pummel with lightning speed to protect his domesticated humans, delivering the bounty of his hunts to them."

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