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Lunchtime Photo

This is a scarlet pimpernel, described by Wikipedia as a "weed." That seems ungenerous, doesn't it? It's a perfectly nice looking little flower.

April 14, 2024 — Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, Orange County, California

14 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

    1. mertensiana

      It's not native to California, but at least in the northern part of the state it's not really invasive. It's certainly not displacing native vegetation, but tends to grow in disturbed areas where there is less competition.

    2. Crissa

      It's cute and while toxic, it's mostly just really bitter. So not much of a hazard of eating like say, day lilies, foxglove, or oleander.

  1. emjayay

    No Kevin, the Scarlet Pimpernel is a swashbuckling hero and elusive master of disguise who rescues French aristocrats and smuggles them out of France to safety during the French Revolution.

  2. dfhoughton

    Hey, Kevin, add a Bluesky button!

    And while you're at it, drop the other two, at least until their oligarchs apologize for the harm they're doing and make amends. Let them face consequences. Is it an infinitesimal consequence? Sure, but you know calculus. There are many of us and they need our attention.

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