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18 thoughts on “Health update

  1. Dana Decker

    Excellent! Those four data points up near 18* are scary as hell. Near-term trend looks great.

    * log scale makes it look less alarming.

  2. CAbornandbred

    Great news. We need you to help make some logic out of the next 4 years. I can only binge watch so many shows and eat only so much cookie dough.

  3. go-grizzlies

    So glad! You are a force all right. And a precious source of fantastic photos and charts and analysis, among so much.

  4. Jimbo

    Hi Kevin. I meant to respond to this earlier. That's great news, and an experience I may need to learn from as my age and frequency of nighttime trips to the potty increase. Thanks for your candid sharing of the good and bad throughout the years!

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