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Friday Cat Blogging – 25 March 2022

Here's another picture of Hilbert and Charlie taken in the wee hours using the Night Sight feature of my Pixel 6 Pro. This one really shows off the huge amount of image processing that the phone must be doing: the edges are so sharply defined that the cats almost look like they're floating a bit.

The hump over on the far left is Marian, curled up into a tiny ball so that the cats have plenty of room to stretch out. Or maybe she's lying diagonally. Either way, the key is that the cats always have first priority.

15 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 25 March 2022

  1. KawSunflower

    Still sharing Marian's beautiful quilt- with each other, anyway. Wonder if Hilbert ever used Hopper as a pillow.

  2. Rattus Norvegicus

    Of course cats have the first priority. They also seem to have an amazing ability to expand, filling all available space on a bed.

  3. Heysus

    I am so impressed how these two cats enjoy each other's company, up close and personal. Beautiful as is the photo.

  4. Matt Ball

    I'm enjoying my P6 Pro, too. Using it for photography after 40+ years with a "real" camera to my eye is a challenge. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. Leaves on the Current

    I applaud Marian’s approach to sharing space with the cats. It’s the only way for humans to coexist happily with such a superior species.

  6. DFPaul

    Krugman's newsletter today had a chart showing housing "starts" collapsing in 2009 which I'm trying to reconcile with your many recent posts saying housing construction has continued without change in recent years. Would love to read a post explaining how these stats make sense.

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