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Friday Cat Blogging – 29 December 2023

When we last saw Charlie he was wearing a stylish black cone to keep him from picking at a sore spot on his back leg. That proved unworkable: it didn't keep him from getting to his leg and he was able to get it off anyway. So it was back to the ordinary plastic cone we got from the vet.¹

A few days ago we released him, but alas, we jumped the gun. His sore spot still has a bit more healing to do, so it was back in the cone. But here's an odd thing: normally Charlie doesn't sleep on the bed at night. He's usually under the bed or by the doorway or on a nearby chest. But when he has the cone on he sleeps on the bed every night. This disturbs Hilbert, who is used to having the whole bed to himself, but they've mostly worked things out.

¹For $30!

12 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 29 December 2023

    1. MarissaTipton

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  1. Art Eclectic

    You could have put out a call to your fellow SoCal cat society peoples and someone would have loaned you one of theirs 🙂

  2. lithiumgirl

    Poor Charlie. We took our cat Brownie to the vet today for his vaccines and a yearly checkup. He's so feisty that the vet had to put him under to do anything. Unfortunately, they overdosed him a bit so he was still out when we took him home. He's on the bed, slowly beginning to stir.

    1. KawSunflower

      You might ask your vet if s/he thinks that giving your cat gsbapentin prior to appointments would be a better option (perhaps less expensive if used for multiple visits, especially if you can fill the Rx through a Canadian company well in advance. Sorry that I don't remember the names, but ask the vet in case not all of them fill vetrrinary prescriptions, since googling them may not provide that information.. This might be easier for all three of you, & not leave your cat out for longer than necessary. I was surprised that a human dosage was acceptable for my cat's size, but it was safe.

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