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Friday Cat Blogging – 15 December 2023

Charlie is not a happy cat. He wounded his back leg somehow, so we took him to the vet and got him an antibiotic shot, but of course recovery also includes a cone to keep him from licking the spot. The regular cone was too big, so we got him this stylish Darth Vader cone instead. He is unimpressed with it. As usual, the lack of peripheral vision unnerves him, so he skulks around very slowly these days.

But it probably won't be for long. His sore spot is visibly better already, so it will probably only be a few more days.

15 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 15 December 2023

    1. MarissaTipton

      I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My sd12 Divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people bc14 have to work for so much less.
      This is what I do………> > >

    1. Larry Jones

      Truly a bizarre rendition: costuming, filming, that scary treatment on Annie's voice and her angry singing. This is one of those times when one asks oneself "What were they thinking??"

      1. cld

        I loved that video, --my impression was that it's as if to ask what do the fairies from Midsummer Nights' Dream do at Christmas?

        And the album it's from has quickly become my favorite Christmas album in decades, if not ever.

        1. iamr4man

          I wonder what you (and Kevin) make of this:

          It’s one of my favorite musicians, Steven Wilson, using chat gpt to write lyrics for a Christmas song. The prompt was “Christmas song lyrics in the style of Steven Wilson, don’t mention Christmas, make it feel cold and lonely.” He wrote the music. I kind of liked it and find that unsettling. You can read what he says about it by clicking “more”.
          I played it for my wife without telling her the lyrics were AI. She liked the song and when I told her what it was her comment was “uh-oh!”

          1. cld

            We are all unemployed now.

            Inevitably it will soon be doing this unprompted.

            It might lead to a resurgence in live performance, if only to watch people try to do it as well as the AI.

            People still learn math because you have to know what to ask the calculator, but what if you don't? At some point it will be able to accurately infer what you vaguely mean and give an answer you'll never know how or where to check, or even that you might want to.

            Sooner rather than later we won't be able to know what the AI is doing unless we physically disconnect it.

            And I am going to throw this into my Christmas mix and see what kind of reactions it gets.

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