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Factlet of the day: US military aid to Israel

On an annual basis, the United States supplies about 12% of Israel's military budget. That's the equivalent of topping up the US military budget by $100 billion per year.

38 thoughts on “Factlet of the day: US military aid to Israel

      1. MarissaTipton

        I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My sd12 Divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people bc14 have to work for so much less.
        This is what I do………> > >

  1. lower-case

    sounds like biden should call bibi and let him know the money spigot is closed until he starts digging up dirt on trump

    after all, republicans have made it clear there's absolutely nothing wrong with that

      1. aldoushickman

        Not to be a wet blanket, but I don't think this is very funny. If Republican depravity means I can't live in a world in which neither major political party is corrupt, I'd at least like to continue living in a world in which *both* are not corrupt.

        1. lower-case

          the funny part isn't that biden might actually do this

          the funny part is knowing the republicans were lying sacks of shit when they claimed they were ok with any potus extorting a foreign leader to ratfuck his opponent

    1. Jasper_in_Boston

      sounds like biden should call bibi and let him know the money spigot is closed until he starts digging up dirt on trump

      Biden can shut off a spigot mandated by Congress? I don't think so. This White House has approximately zero leverage over the Netanyahu government, and Bibi knows it.

    2. MF

      Are there any allegations that anyone in Trump's family has any kind of inappropriate businesses relationship with any Israeli entity?

  2. KawSunflower

    Now that the IDF has admitted having killed three hostages that they had perceived as a threat, Netanyahu really ought to resign.

    The fact that it has taken so long to even determine that the astounding level of civilian deaths is likely due to Israel's use of "dumb" bombs seems incomprehensible.

    1. RadioTemotu

      It was inevitable that the IDF’s mostly indiscriminate process would eventually result in this.

      How many trios of unarmed non-combatant Gazans have been killed in the same way?

    2. MF

      Why should this tragic accident be a reason for Netanyahu to resign?

      Please provide an iota of evidence that the number of civilian casualties is due to use of dumb bombs.

      Finally, why do you think the number of civilian casualties is high? How many would be appropriate in a war like this?

  3. clawback

    That's why the "sure, Israeli policies are barbaric, but have you heard about the latest Hamas atrocity?" narrative is so stupid. We only subsidize one side, and yeah that's the one we're mainly concerned with.

    1. tango

      What a convenient excuse for ignoring one of the most barbaric and evil entities on the planet.

      By that same logic I suppose the US should have tried to get Britain to curb it's nighttime bombing of German cities in 1941 prior to our entry in the war and ignore German death squads crossing their eastern borders and exterminating any Jews they could find. Oh wait, we have circled back around to Hamas again, haven't we!

        1. tango

          Nothing is ever exactly the same, although there are significant similarities here.

          But the key point is that just because we do not supply Hamas with aid does not mean that we should ignore their manifestly evil nature and actions.

          1. Jasper_in_Boston

            But the key point is that just because we do not supply Hamas with aid does not mean that we should ignore their manifestly evil nature and actions.

            No, the key point is America shouldn't be funding Israel's massive war crimes to the tune of several billion annually. No parallel arguments exists with respect to Hamas, because US taxpayers aren't funding them.

            Nobody is "ignoring" the evil things Hamas has done. That's just your absurd strawmanning.

            1. MF

              I see no evidence of any significant war crimes by Israel and I see great value in standing by an ally and eliminating Hamas which has been a cancer in the region for decades.

              Finally, have you forgotten that Hamas also murdered Americans on Oct 7 and is still holding American hostages? Or ate they not important because they are Jewish?

  4. kkseattle

    How much of that is spent on acquiring American-made weaponry?

    (Same question for Ukraine.)

    My guess is that this is mostly a domestic jobs program. And when we’re not at war, the American manufacturers get to see how their products do in field conditions.

    1. Brett

      Pretty much all of it, although that means they don't have to spend that money on weapons out of their own tax revenues instead.

      The Ukraine aid explicitly is handing out weapons and ammunition IIRC, without the end-run we do with Israeli aid.

    2. Salamander

      Such a deal! The American merchants of death get the money and Palestinian civilians get blown up. Also their homes and any possessions.

      1. ProgressOne

        "American merchants of death"

        Disparaging comment. The US defense industry, and the millions of workers there, are not "merchants of death". They are the companies designing and building the top-tier weapon systems wanted by the US federal government to maintain our military supremacy.

    3. ProgressOne

      US defense contractors certainly benefit financially when we supply military aid to Israel and Ukraine. But that doesn't mean the decision to drive aid is driven by the desire to create US jobs or to test new weapons. Instead, there has been a consensus that as a country we want to supply military aid to both Israel and Ukraine. In fact, this is considered important to do (although some on the left in the US are now questioning aid to Israel and some MAGA people dislike aid to Ukraine).

    1. Jasper_in_Boston

      So, we could, quite literally, decimate the Israeli military budget. Were we willing.

      No, that's unlikely because they certainly would simply increase the domestic-funded portion of their defense budget. Israel has a nearly $600 billion GDP. They can come up with an additional 3 or 4 billion on their own perfectly easily.,to%20other%20highly%20developed%20countries.

      The crazy thing is, in light of the above, the US has for years been taking a hit in terms of global opinion (helping a colonizing state to break international law and commit war crimes will tend to do that!) for essentially zero justification. Israel simply doesn't need the money. It's nuts.

      1. MF

        No. It is standing by an ally. I live in UAE and I can guarantee to you that the thoughtful people here are observing that.

        The government here is very competent and run by very thoughtful people who are trying to decide where they will stand in a bipolar world dominated by the US and China and whether they can afford to risk standing against Iran (for which they need US protection) after the US abandonment of Afghanistan.

  5. Heysus

    This is sheer insanity. So, are we protecting the Americans who have moved to Israel and who have taken over the Palestinian lands....
    I, personally, have had enough. I'd rather this amount went to Ukraine.

    1. Jasper_in_Boston

      This is sheer insanity. So, are we protecting the Americans who have moved to Israel and who have taken over the Palestinian lands....

      Don't be ridiculous. Our money is hastening the arrival of the rapture. It's a good investment! Don't you know anything?

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