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Giuliani ordered to pay damages of $148 million in defamation case

Rudy Giuliani has been found liable with extreme prejudice for defaming two Georgia poll workers:

Jurors [awarded] roughly $33 million for the two women together. But plaintiff’s attorney Michael Gottlieb made no specific ask when it came to emotional or punitive damages.

Instead he told the jury to “send a message “to Giuliani and any other powerful figure with a platform and an audience who is considering whether they will take this chance for seeking profit and fame by assassinating the character of ordinary people.” And they did.

Indeed they did. The jury awarded $115 in punitive damages for a total award of $148 million.

This will undoubtedly be knocked down on appeal, and Giuliani doesn't have $148 million anyway. But he's been sent a message, all right.

21 thoughts on “Giuliani ordered to pay damages of $148 million in defamation case

    1. MarissaTipton

      I just got paid 7268 Dollars Working off my Laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, My sd12 Divorced friend has twin toddlers and made 0ver $ 13892 her first m0nth. It feels so good making so much money when other people bc12 have to work for so much less.
      This is what I do………> > >

  1. lower-case

    hey rudy!

    seeing as how your finances are looking kinda tight, my wife would love to have our popcorn ceilings scraped and painted

    it's an easy $30/hr, just lemme know

  2. dspcole

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. But it got me thinking, over the years there have been other cases where large penalties are assessed . Do these ever result in the guilty parties becoming bankrupt? Will Alex Jones or Rudy ever feel any effects from these rulings? How does this work?

    1. aldoushickman

      "What could possibly make it worse?"

      He could stand outside the courtroom, and insist that he had no regrets and claim he spoke the truth that the poll workers in question were engaged in voter fraud.

      Which he actually did, *after* the court had ruled against him.

      Honestly, the mind boggles.

  3. ancien regime

    These damages look non-dischargeable, particularly the punis. This is a paradigmatic case of willful and malicious injury. That means no relief in bankruptcy court.

    That's an economic death sentence, even if the damages are slashed on appeal. Every dime he makes or raises will be subject to attachment, probably for the rest of his life.

    I'm not sure he understands this. He's been trying the case like someone who thinks it doesn't matter because the judgment will go away as soon as he files BK.

    So this is a pretty serious outcome for him. Probably worse than any criminal exposure he's likely to face.

    1. dspcole

      But apropos my question above, does this ever really happen? Are there people’s living on welfare who got hit with huge penalties? I suspect these people have wealthy friends who provide a place to live and maybe some spending money? I just don’t know

    2. Jasper_in_Boston

      Every dime he makes or raises will be subject to attachment, probably for the rest of his life

      He'll be 79 in the spring, and by all accounts his personal health habits are abysmal.

  4. lower-case

    fox propaganda on giuliani:

    "The absurdity of the number merely underscores the absurdity of the entire proceeding, where I've not been allowed to offer one single piece of evidence in defense,of which I have a lot," [giuliani] said.


    Giuliani had already been found liable in the case and previously conceded in court documents that he falsely accused the women of ballot fraud. Even so, the former mayor continued to repeat his baseless allegations about the women in comments to reporters outside the Washington, D.C., courthouse this week.

    1. NotCynicalEnough

      Not only conceded but was subject to default judgement precisely because he refused to respond to discovery requests. Rudy had the opportunity to present his evidence and declined to do so.

    2. Salamander

      "Not one single piece of evidence" ... because he had none. Also, he refused to search his own records, as required by the court. Seems like Rudy has done this to himself.

      Will this be serious enough to get him to dry out and quit drinking?

  5. Dana Decker

    They will be suing Gateway Pundit next. Here is what was reported there after the award .

    "Before the jury was brought in to hear closing arguments Thursday morning, Ruby and Shaye were observed snickering, laughing, and gossiping. In the eyes of this reporter, they looked like they were having fun."

    ""Rudy didn’t stand a chance against the all-things-Trump-hating jury. This is just more proof that all odds are stacked high against Giuliani and conservatives in the DC Kangaroo Courts."

    RELATED: As expected, nothing about Giuliani on Trump's social media so far. Trump was connected to the case b/c he mentioned the women by name in a call to Raffensperger (audio played in courtroom). You might think he'd address it. But then, Rudy's facing justice, not him, so why bother?

  6. kennethalmquist

    According to CNN, the jury awarded $75 million punitive damages (not $115 million). Each plaintiff was awarded $20 million damages for emotional distress. Ruby Freeman was awarded $16,171,000 for defamation. Shaye Moss was awarded $16,998,000 for defamation. Total: $148,169,000.

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