Last Friday I committed to some real live catblogging this week. Promise made, promise kept.
Hilbert is giving me a squinty look because I'm scratching his back and he wants me to keep it up. Although you can't hear it, he was purring his little heart out while I was taking this picture.
MEOOOOOW. Kitties know.
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That sure looks like the face of a contemptuous discovery of feline petting infidelity.
I think it's the face of someone who thought he'd never see you again.
That's like the look my cat gives me when I move the wire-bristle brush or fine-tooth comb to another spot & she's prepared to paw it out of my grasp to control it herself, if need be. She's pleased by my efforts, but not about to be shortchanged on her grooming.
Big H is remembering why he allows you to stay in his home.
Old Hil is glad that you and your petting hand have returned!
I'll let you live today, hooman.