Here is Charlie peering out at me from behind the ferns in our backyard. He is hoping in vain for a tuna taco to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. But it is not to be.
18 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 5 May 2023”
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Cats, charts, and politics
Mr. Drum, how do you sleep at night? Depriving such a handsome and clearly deserving creature of the morsel of tuna taco he needs to persevere. For shame, sir!
Charlie's communications team
Cinco de Mayo isn’t a big enough holiday to justify a tuna taco. Now, for September 16th, I’m sure Kevin would spring for a tuna burrito.
Google paid 99 dollars an hour on the internet. Everything I did was basic Οnline w0rk from comfort at hΟme for 5-7 hours per day that I g0t from this office I f0und over the web and they paid me 100 dollars each hour. For more details visit
this article...
fine! A tuna burrito then. .... A tuna tostada.
Intrusion into Charlie's beautiful green solitude doesn't seem to perturb him.
And OT to this photo but related to KD's photography of the heavens, the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History's exhibit, "Lights Out: Recovering Our Night Sky" is featured in The Washington Post's Weekend Section today). (Would provide the link, but the O/L print edition isn't convenient).
Also in Friday's WaPo: Dana Milbank's piece on being visited by "the Light Police" (not to be confused with the Light Brigade) for having too bright a floodlight in his ne country estate. He elaborates on the ecological consequences of humanity's over-lighting. Very interesting.
Hey, GPT-3.5 is now able to skip the rhymes. They manually fixed it, apparently. Also, the release notes state that 3.5 will be deprecated. Not sure if this means 4.0 will become the free version and the paid version will be 4.2 or straight to GPT-5?
Charley really doesn't mind...He knows that you will do justice by him and put forth nothing but an excellent image....I wonder if this is why he seems to be such a patient model? Best Wishes, Traveller
There are always other taco fillings, meeyows?
Tufted titmouse taco….
A boy can dream!
Gonna do the meteor shower????
I think by now, everyone has recognized that someone is not feeling well. To fill in the gap:
Employment is holding up quite well -
Unemployment rate continues to drop -
Hourly wages did well -
Average weekly hours worked appears to have returned to normal -
Gains in employment is broad across trades -
Notable that yesterday, despite the Fed raising rates one more time, Powell reiterated that recession was unlikely. I strongly urge people to ignore Romer and instead, think about all the oddities of this business cycle, including the vertical movement of the Phillips Curve and the Beveridge Curve.
Thanks for standing in for Kevin. I am missing the charts a lot. Maybe you can help us out? 🙂
Thanks D_Ohrk !!
One thing to keep in mind here is even IF there is a recession this one would be very different.
As boomers leave the workforce there are far FEWER bodies to replace them
Using 20 year olds as a standard for entering the workforce -
The peak of our workforce was in the early 70 (baby boom of the early 50s PLUS 20 years)
The birthrate in 2003 was HALF that of the early 50s. Add 20 years to that to get to THIS year and as the boomers leave there's only 1 person entering the workforce for every 2 boomers that are leaving.
And the problem will get worse over time
It's why unemployment has remained stubbornly low
Its why our military recruitment efforts have generally failed
Its why China is importing labor from African nations
Its why Macron raised the retirement age in France
In 10 to 20 years "we" will look very different economically speaking
Electrician shortages are beginning to affect construction speeds and repair jobs - same for plumbing. A/C installation and repair has always been a "hot" job field here in the SE corner of NC so right now that field is busy as ever but they are holding their own.
Many other fields are hiring whoever they can to fill slots.
Offtopic, but I am a monster,
Super-fast Insect Urination Powered by the Physics of Superpropulsion,
You go, bug.
So this insect can shoot its output far away, keeping its immediately vicinity clean - but only by spending HOURS repeating the process? Aren't nature's solutions are usually more efficient than that?