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Gasoline prices are down yet again

It's Tuesday, so it must be gasoline day:

Down another nickel! Thanks to Joe Biden's hard work, gasoline now costs less than it did 40 years ago.¹

¹Adjusted for inflation, of course.²

²Also, 40 years ago was 1982, the aftermath of the Iranian oil embargo. Still, gasoline is less expensive now than it was then. Facts are facts. Suck on that, Glenn Kessler.

23 thoughts on “Gasoline prices are down yet again

  1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

    When Factboi Glenn Kessler has lost Kevin Drum...

    I imagine the provost at Poynter Institute has issued a fatwa on our Oranqe Qounty Reaqan Demoqrat. & they thought he was cool after he left Mother Jones!

  2. jte21

    Congrats to all who live in areas where it's under $4 now. I'm still paying around $4.50. But it was close to $5 a few months ago, so there's that. Fortunately I commute via bike most days and drive a Prius the rest of the time. Feel bad for the guys in those jacked up, knobby-tired 4x4 crew cab manhood compensator trucks that get 10 mpg. Wait. Not really.

    1. iamr4man

      It’s $5.45 at my local gas stations (San Francisco Bay Area). In fact, prices went up this week. Its become worth it to travel 3 miles to Costco where it’s $4.90.

      1. JonF311

        Here in southern Delaware it fell to $3.59. I work from home and I can and do bike places (though less than when I lived in Baltimore where plenty of things were within 2-3 miles of home-- here it's 5-8 miles) so I've been riding out the high prices tolerably well.

    2. coynedj

      $3.69 in South Dakota! Of course, there are other aspects of living here that you won't find me shouting about from the rooftops.

  3. lawnorder

    It's regrettable that gasoline prices are falling. Combatting climate change would be helped if gasoline prices were to remain high and go higher.

    1. Steve_OH

      While I agree in principle, that only works if the prices go up during a Republican administration and then stay high (without going higher) during a Democratic administration.

    2. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      All true, but remember: even more than that in 2016 Hillary would have been worse than Trump, in 2000 algore would have been worse than Dubya. By orders of magnitude more.

  4. Martin Stett

    Bopping up a bit for Labor Day, so get ready for the screams. Of course, you'd think stay at home vacations might be getting more popular, but this is our last chance to play the Griswolds.

  5. MattBallAZ

    Critical Race Theory will DESTROY AMERICA!


    Education not Indoctrination!

    (I saw the latter one a campaign sign here)

  6. Salamander

    Here in Albuquerque, in my morning commute along Montgomery Blvd, last week gas had gotten down to $3.18.8 at a couple of stations! It stayed at that level for nearly a week, then suddenly shot up to $3.78.9. Prices have now been showly falling, a few cents a day, to where today's prevailing low was $3.59.9.

    As luck would have it, I'm on my way out to fill up, anyway.

    1. Special Newb

      Food is going to be apocalyptic. Russia energy warfare is forcing a lot of industry shut downs including ag. Some of the biggest fertilizer makers in Europe are cutting production by a third.

  7. Dana Decker

    Hey look, it's Kevin "cherry picking" Drum doing what he does best.

    AVERAGE PRICE UNLEADED (from doc linked to)
    76 61
    77 66
    78 67
    79 90
    80 125
    81 137
    82 130 <---what Kevin want's Kessler to "suck on"
    83 124
    84 121
    85 120
    86 94
    87 95
    88 95
    89 102
    90 118
    91 114
    92 113

    1. iamr4man

      If you also take into account the fact that automobiles have much higher mpg than in the 70’s and 80’s, we are paying far less for gas now than then.

  8. SecondLook

    Factor in that the median age of Americans is 38.2 or so, and adjusting for inflation over more than a couple of decades becomes moot.

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