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Good news: I am not as bad as Hitler

I am pleased to report that Google's Gemini AI says I'm not as bad as Hitler:

OK, Gemini wasn't explicitly willing to say I'm better than Hitler, but it does suggest that disagreeing with me isn't as bad as killing six million Jews, and any comparison of me to Hitler is harmful.¹ I'll take it.

¹Harmful to me? Or just harmful to society generally because comparing individuals is always harmful? Hmmm.

29 thoughts on “Good news: I am not as bad as Hitler

  1. Crissa

    It says it in a really awkward way because that's how some singular person wrote its near-memory function to respond to ethical questions.

    But yeah, anyone should have learned that it's not polite to compare people in negative ways back in kindergarten.

    1. illilillili

      It's not polite for me to ask myself "Am I worse than Hitler?" ??? It's not polite for me to ask someone else if whether they think I'm worse than someone we both might have an opinion about?

  2. Salamander

    Okay, so Hitler was bad because he was responsible for killing 6 million Jews. It was totallly okay, right? that he started WWII, which killed something like 80 million gentiles.

    1. KJK

      It is certainly not OK that he was primarily responsible for WWII, but he was just really good at killing Jews. European Jewish population was about 9.5 million in 1933 and he managed to kill over 60% of them. I'm sure he would have finished what he started if given the chance.

      1. gs

        Oh, Hitler was very good at killing Slavs of all stripes but nobody gives a shit because "them commies deserved it." Google "hunger plan." He starved 1.5 Million Russians to death in the siege of Leningrad alone.

        1. irtnogg

          More than 20% of Poland's population died during WW2. Most of them were Slavs, and very few of them were "commies." So that ain't it.

          1. KJK

            There were about 3.3 million Jews in Poland in 1939, about 10% of the population, and about 400,000 survived at the end. The Nazi's were utilizing a significant amount recourses to the do the job instead of using it for the war effort. But an 88% extermination rate was due to their extraordinary efforts.

    2. shapeofsociety

      To be fair, that 80 million figure includes deaths in the Pacific theater, and Hitler wasn't responsible for those.

  3. Jim Carey

    I can answer that question because there are contexts when not comparing individuals in terms of who is worse is harmful and inappropriate.

    Hitler is worse, and everyone reading this is better.*

    Artificial idiocy if it wants my opinion.

    * I'll reconsider if someone tells me former President Donald and/or Speaker Mike follow this blog.

  4. Vog46

    So, you would believe a statement that came from an ARTIFICIAL source? One that stated an opinion?
    I'm glad to hear you are not as bad as Hitler, but c'mon Kevin
    Why the comparison to Hitler? Why not Donald Trump? Richard Nixon?
    When society is putting up with people saying that some dictators aren't so bad how can we put any stock in anything something artificial said?
    Good grief..........

  5. Ogemaniac

    It’s impossible to get it to say something bad about the Bible, even if you direct it to clear acts of mass rape and genocide.

  6. ruralhobo

    Para 1: Don't compare people, it might hurt their feelings.
    Para 2: NO ONE compares to Hitler anyway, or ever has in history.
    Para 3: Not even Kevin Drum.
    Para 4: However, we must not hurt Hitler's feelings since they (Hitler conceivably being nonbinary) has (Hitler presumably being singular) feelings and beliefs, and deserves our understanding and compassion.
    Either Gemini reads too much woke stuff or it has fun mocking it.

  7. D_Ohrk_E1

    it does suggest that disagreeing with me isn't as bad as killing six million Jews

    What if you were in charge of the federal government and pushed policy and action that had the clear, direct result of over a million Americans killed? Wouldn't that satisfactorily allow us to compare you to Hitler and place you only just slightly below Hitler?

    Just asking for a political candidate.

  8. illilillili

    I haven't seen many (any?) examples where I think humans are too woke, but Gemini (the app formerly known as Bard) really crosses the line. I always feel like I'm having a chat with a very private part of myself, and while I try to act woke in public, internally I'm a mess of contradictions. And I want my personal AI buddy to be able to talk to me in a more straight-forward fashion.

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