Ruby Cramer has a long profile of Florida first lady Casey DeSantis in the Washington Post today, and the main takeaway is that "Ron and Casey" are a unit—a very private, very intimidating unit. It's worth a read.
But I was amused by this bit of gratuitous shade thrown on Ron:
In 2011, [Casey] was in the back of small Republican gatherings, handing out copies of the book her husband had paid to publish, “Dreams From Our Founding Fathers,” a treatise on constitutional conservatism that mocked Barack Obama’s bestselling memoir.
There was really no need to mention either of these things. But what the hell, amirite? Ron's a schmuck. He deserves whatever he gets.
It's not that hard to mock DeSantis. He really is an awful person - on all levels. I mean that jackass bray? Sad.
Knew of the book but did not know he had paid to publish it. That was worth mentioning.
A rising young conservative hero who can't get even the most rudimentary sweetheart book deal in the most notorious wingnut grift industry on Earth, --is someone that no one thought looked good enough on tv to waste a dime on.
A good point indeed
Keep in mind that this was in 2011 during Ron's first run for election to Congress. He was not a well known quantity at the time; perhaps known in FL but not the rest of the country.
Memoir? Obama's memoir was published in 2020 no?
That would be his most recent book. Dreams from my Father was the book that got him onto the 2004 DNC stage which launched his presidential candidacy.
Ah. That explains the two titles then. Tack.
Ha ha. He paid to have it published and had to give out copies for free.
Who the heck cares what the dreams were of mostly racist farmers? Honestly, modern America doesn't look anything like the America of 1788. The three enduring principles that they came up with were the idea that government shouldn't be controlled by landed gentry, that it government shouldn't control speech, and that government should stay the heck out of the religion business, and DeSantis is against all of that.
So DeSantis' book is supposedly about the American founding fathers then. When I saw that DeSantis wrote a book about his founding fathers I guess I just assumed it was about Mussolini, Hitler, Franco and the like.
There actually is good reason to point out that Ron DeSantis' book is self-published: real books are edited and fact-checked by professionals. Self-published books aren't. It's an important difference.
It's often refer to as the "Vanity Press". By definition a vanity press has no editorial or creative standards, it just publishes whatever people will pay them to.
during desantis' bid for reelection as fla gov, he ran an ad featuring wifey who touchingly tells the story of how good ole hubby ron took care of HER kids while she underwent treatment for cancer. what a wonderful, caring guy ron was! Of course HER kids were also HIS kids, and what desantis was doing is called being a father. what a wonderful, awesome guy, doing what ANY decent father would do.
Still, she's lucky the kids didn't piss Ron off while she was in treatment. He would have shipped them off to Martha's Vineyard.
Well, let's hope he doesn't treat his own offspring the way he attempted to approach a follower's baby in the photo I saw a couple of days ago - he must be clueless to act like that in public, even when campaigning in friendly territory.
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As a former shabbosh goy, I gotta say that to me schmuck doesn't carry the right connotation for DeSantis. There's a certain element of cluelessness/foolishness that I associate with schmuck. DeSantis is a full blown dick. He's smart enough to know that he's a dick, and he just doesn't care. (I would accept putz as more appropriate than schmuck.)
Which makes him different in my mind to Trump, who's an asshole. Who also doesn't care, but in some sense acknowledges that part of his personality and promises to use it on behalf of his followers. That's part of Trump's appeal, he's an asshole, but if he's your asshole and directed at your enemies, you're all in. Sometimes you want that.
Which is why I am not bullish on DeSantis's chances. A dick is just a dick to everybody, undirected, and he's never promising to wield that against anyone's particular enemies. He's just going to treat everybody that way, because that's just who he is.
As Kevin says, he deserves whatever he gets. (Unless it's the White House, in which case God help us all.)
Anyone here able to get emails notifying you when someone comments on your comment? Or is this something Kevin must enable?
I never saw that email notifications could be enabled for replies to one's comments here - but I have had problems with just seeing the responses in the special section that used to be at the upper right where the "Howdy" greeting is seen.
The comment sectionstopped working for me months ago - even before WordPress congratulated me on my anniversary (wrong date; had signed onto WP for a friend's blog earlier). After that, it said that I had to install Jetpack because the WP app (where I had comments access after it stopped on the blog itself) was being replaced, but Jetpack is aligned to the blogger, not the reader.
BTW, when I first viewed Jabberwocking, I didn't see the comment area when logged on - someone here was kind enough to tell me that a cellphone must be in landscape mode to show that!