Here are some new poll results from Gallup:
Even Democrats are down. What explains this? Is it just the effect of unending propaganda from the MAGAnauts spilling over to everyone? Or is it yet more evidence that Americans have suddenly shifted right on cultural issues?
Well, after reading a few hateful lying trolls here I can see that "don't read the comments" rule that was once reserved for YouTube and Twitter now applies to Kevin's website too. Ciao!
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I guess the religious fanatics are feeling the moment. This from a Catholic bishop and a nasty website for the Catholic right wing.
“ Gender theory, the corruption of children and young people with hateful LGBTQ indoctrination, the perversion of spousal love, surrogate motherhood, abortion, euthanasia, gender transition, genital mutilation, and genetic manipulation are all grotesque attempts to take the place of God in the very act of creation, to erase from man and from nature itself the divine imprint of the Creator, to kill man’s soul with sin and vice, that soul which the Most Holy Trinity can make pure and holy through Grace, in order to be able to dwell there and fill it with blessings.”
It’s a good thing they don’t wear their costumes out in public very much.
Kevin, having actual toxic trolls in your comments isn't good.
It's a little too hot in this kitchen, huh? The United States is more of an outlier every day in the treatment of gender dysphoric children. Allowing mediocre males to dominate women's sports is respected by very few people. Putting dangerous males into women's prisons is just wrong. All of these things have gotten worse and become more visible in the past 10 years.
This is what is dragging down the polling on LGB - they need to drop the TQ+++
You should see somebody about this anxiety disorder, the trivial numbers involved here couldn't 'dominate' a cheese sandwich.
Notably, the numbers with independents haven't budged.
I can see the drop in the GOP numbers being meaningful-- as more moderate people leave the Grumpy Old Party those left behind are more extreme. But the Democratic change is suspicious. If this is just one poll it may be an anomaly, and we should see if this pans out in future polling.
The issue devolved into the nuances of the legitimacy of one's gender, sexual orientation, and of course bathrooms.
It's like a birdsite fight, but without the up/down votes and no mute button.