Back in 1954, after Joe McCarthy finally crossed one too many lines during the Army-McCarthy hearings, Joseph Welch famously stood up and asked him, "Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
This has become almost a cliche, but I think about it a lot these days. I think about it when I read reports of Ron DeSantis and his immigrant stunt. I think about it when Donald Trump accuses the FBI of "massive fraud and election interference" and calls their agents "vicious monsters" for trying to retrieve highly classified documents that he tried to hide from them. I think about it when Tucker Carlson says on national TV that Anthony Fauci “apparently engineered the single most devastating event in modern American history.”
I think about it all the time.
What is it about Fauci that the Fox crowd hates so much? What did he ever do to them? Is this still about how early in the pandemic he advised against universal masking, but then changed his advice based on new evidence and so now they don't believe in nuthin' no more?
Can we get a "Block" button for jerks like The Spade, Kevin?
Can we get a block for ignorant people like yourself.
Awwwww he’s not so bad. The important thing is he’s consistent. You don’t need a block. Your eyes should see the handle and move on without reading further.
Yes, that’s my rule.
yeah, he doesn't even have the minimal use of providing insight into the idiocy of the average rightwing nutjob. spades is just a random malagam of hate, racism and idiocy. like someone designed a bot with the singular goal of "stupid".
Please don't feed the racist, anti-semitic, semiliterate troll. It only leaves its droppings to get attention.
I read it once and thought Hubbard was full of shit.
`Trumnp hated the situation in th ebeginning of the epidemic, but he felt he cannot get away with getting rid of Fauci. He is looking for revenge for that.
Fauci? He spearheaded the government research on HIV/AIDS, and reached the conclusion that it was not a judgment that God was wreaking on sodomites.
They've been pissed at him for 35 years.
I lollered.
Trump and his right wingers hate experts. Fauci had the expertise and the hard won experience. Trump and his MAGA’s prefer naive ignoramuses like themselves making the decisions.
This. Trumpers don't like any axis but 'more strong'/'less strong'. The 'true-false' axis they have less than zero use for; only 'elites' use that one.
What is it about Fauci that the Fox crowd hates so much?
They have hated everything about civil society's effort to fight covid: masks, shelter-in-place orders, testing, stimulus, mandates of any kind, and of course, vaccines.
The real question* is why are they so batshit crazy about this one illness? Do they also oppose efforts to fight diabetes or cancer?
*Well, that's not much of a question, really: it mainly has to do with the fact that, from the getgo, the fight against covid was politicized because Trump strongly preferred ignoring it to fighting it. And when Donnie asks them to jump, they respond "how high?"
Trump is the jew boy grifter who's grift is running out of gas. A true globalist he is. He cares little about country, but instead himself. The frontal lobe dementia is causing him to lose control. Pre 2015 Trump would have bailed by now. All he has left is his foreign benefactors and mostly political libertarians, which make up the core of his fraud. Mentally weak, self loving wimps who when actual pushed, are just incels.
First, have YOU left no sense of decency? Leave the Jews out of this.
Second, you have a very skewed view of libertarians, to think they'd support an authoritarian like Trump.
Please don't feed the racist, anti-semitic, semiliterate troll. It only leaves its droppings to get attention.
Gotta love how the left tolerates antisemitism. Good on you @Starglider for calling him out.
da fuq are you talking about? spades is anything but the left and no one here "tolerates" his antisemitism. he's a rightwing troll who is ignored or derided here, and the only reason i believe he hasn't been banned is because kevin knows he'd just come back with a new username.
Right wing???? Are you that retarded???? Stupid idiots like you who forget the past need tortured and liquidated.
I swear that I don't know if you're kidding... Nation of Islam, anyone? Or do you think they're conservative. I think the Hill is pretty liberal? Honestly, not sure. Never heard of the Riverdale Press or the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies. Regardless, I'm not alone...,80034?
Also, I'll assume you're liberal and I doubt you're anti-semitic, fwiw...
I don’t worry much about the McCarthys of the world, as much as I do the people who choose to believe them. (And “choose” is an important word in that sentence.) I think the main purpose of these not-very-artful lies is to give people cover to think and act in certain ways when their motivations for acting and thinking in such ways is darker than their leaders’ lies that very few people actually believe. (And to be clear, I’m not talking about all republicans or conservatives, or even a majority. I have known a few Dems who choose to believe some of the lies.)
Why admit to your indecent thoughts and actions when the man on the tee-vee offers you an excuse to make indecent thoughts and actions more …. “acceptable?”
I could be wrong. Maybe they really do believe Democrats eat babies.
The Kennedy boys loved McCarthy.
No lies detected.
Reality is reality. He was also a homosexual. Republicans love being gay, molesting children and eating babies. Why not admit it????
Bobby did, but he grew up.
seasoned with rosemary and garlic with fava beans on the side served with a nice Chianti....
"Cruelty is the point"...when stripping babies from their mothers.
Yet, that wasn't enough to break the fever....
Amazing, isn’t it? You try to tell yourself the trumpists aren’t that bad and then you see them actually enjoy the cruelty when it takes a new form. And so many of them claim to be Christians.
from GoodReads,
Mahatma Gandhi — 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'
I had a couple of questions that popped in to my head this morning, one of which I was able to find the answer, and one I couldn’t. The first question was “whatever happened to all that talk about Trump having financial trouble with major loans coming due soon?” I remember lots of people were saying how un-rich he really was and how his financial woes would soon be biting him. Well, it turns out he was able to squirm out of them and he is currently pretty well off financially. Don’t know how I missed it but if others here missed it too here’s an article that explains the whole thing:
I guess the bottom line is you just can’t underestimate the power of crony capitalism.
My other question, that perhaps someone here knows the answer to is “What happens if President Biden wants to review the documents the FBI took from Mar-A-Lago? Is he in some way prevented from doing so? What if he thinks our national security is at stake? Isn’t that a major separation of powers problem? Am I making a bigger deal of this than it is or is the MSM making a smaller deal of it than they should? Can Biden just tell the judge to pound sand?”
Thanks for the link, I was sort of wondering about that myself. Always the cash flow, always somebody willing to take the risks for him.
IANAL, but . . . If you follow the nutty unitary executive theory, when the FBI and DOJ want to keep and use those documents, what you ask about is exactly what Biden's doing now. They act for him, he acts through them, when they act, he acts, no difference. I'm thinking now that Cannon does believe this theory, which makes her position worse.
Starting from a different point, Marcy Wheeler just put up a post about this at where she says that keeping these documents out of Article III hands is one of the big reasons for DOJ's immediate appeal. Further, by specifying that Dearie has to review the classified stuff first, Cannon is accelerating the constitutional confrontation. That's because ownership of the documents is the basic issue, but while there could be a color of a question about who owns the ordinary stuff taken from the WH, there has never, until Cannon's ruling, been any question about the executive controlling the classification system and access to classified material.
People have been concluding that Cannon's an idiot, but I think now it's much worse than that and that she has definite reasons for setting things up this way that aren't just about trump. His claims are just the primer. What Cannon is really doing here is pulling a Bannon in the sense that her ruling is a truck bomb aimed right at one of the basic pillars of the national-security state, which is a central element-- arguably *the* central element as it's developed since WWII-- of the administrative state that Bannon has sworn to take down and that stands in the way of mega-rich people doing whatever the hell they want to with anything and everything and everybody.
Other than that, no biggie.
Our media people, especially the ones on the political beat, are mostly trained to be theater critics, and within one narrow school at that. They don't have the concepts or the language to deal with issues like this. And really, even if they can see it, how can they talk about it on air? Who in the public is ready to listen to discussions this fundamental to our system and, if we're honest, this arcane? This has been building since the forces of reaction took their cue and followed the Powell memo.
Good points. For some time I have thought that, just as the separation of powers has proved to be a key principle within the Federal government, a balance of power among labor, management/ownership and the regulatory agencies of government is/was essential to prevent exploitation of the many by the few wealthy. Now that labor unions have been decimated, the wealthy have set their sights on government.
The problem is, if the rich start doing that, it triggers the real mutiny and destruction of capital markets. Thus all property and money are valueless. It's a free for all and wait until ecofascist get their hands on nukes........
Considering Cokedup Werewolf Aileen Cannon is clearly among the population that believes joebiden is not the real president & is part of a Deep State subversive effort to fool the country & emanating from a soundstage at Tyler Perry Studios, of course the fake president has no right or reason to see top secret documents.
Trump, meanwhile, never should have had them, or the White House, taken away.
She is the deep state.
also from GoodReads, a J. Paul Getty quote:
“If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem.”
Nowadays, the phrasing would be, "Have you people on the Left no sense of decency?", & it would be Conor Friedersdork or Andrew Dullivan (or Kevin Dum!) chastising a preschool teacher about Wokeness.
Just a thought, do you have a carbon monoxide detector in your home? Might be a good idea to think about getting one.
I live in a 1920s construction apartment. There may be residual lead paint....
Authoritarianism goes hand-in-hand with cruelty. If you don't have what it takes to snuff out the libs, you're just not tough enuf. I know most liberals understand that. Question is, will our leaders respond forcefully in ways that deter the Desantis and Abbot immigrant stunts. Until that happens, expect more of the same.
*I'm in NJ. I don't want my taxes going to Red States. Hence the screen name.
How is it a stunt to prove the rampant hypocrisy? Liberals and NIMBYism are tied at the hip.
Good choice of screen name; it lets us all know right up front that you don’t waste any time at all thinking about what you are going to say.
Good point! Republicans who claim to be against Latin American immigrants go out of their way to get as much attention as possible for their free flights and bus rides across the u.s. for immigrants. Do you think those images of free transportation (at taxpayers’ expense) are not being shown on TV networks across central and South America? DeSantis might as well be using some of his taxpayers’ cash, since he cares so little about using it wisely, to put up billboards about Florida’s free transportation in every Latin capital…..
Because pretending to care about immigration, while working to make it worse, so he always has something to blame others for, is apparently DeSantis’ goal.
Not to mention, a Lot of the people transported by the gop may have to go back south to be processed.
Colbert on DeSantis: “For a guy concerned about secure borders, he sure doesn’t seem to know where his state ends.”
(The segment also included video of DeSantis justifying his kidnapping of immigrants in Texas by saying “They intended to go to Florida.”)
Did I miss the part where Marha’s Vinyard residents separated the families of DeSantis’ transported victims and then retained them in chain link pens? If not, no hypocrisy “proven” then.
Was DeSantis’ human trafficking supposed to be funny to Republican primary voters? Was it what Jesus would do? Was it even legal? I have questions too.
And I thought DeSantis was supposed to be the “smart” version of Trump.
Worst person you know (almost) makes a good point.
It's no longer WWJD. It's now WW(DONALD)D.
The answer for the aforementioned three "people" is No, they have no sense of decency. Zero. That's been obvious with Trump and Carlson for a while now. As for DeSantis, in case Bob Somerby is watching, yes, it is worse than indecent, it's obviously inhumane, that DeSantis sent human beings unannounced and on false pretenses thousands of miles away to make a political point about immigration, asylum seekers and our boarders. In case it's not clear DeSantis is the governor of a large and populous state with power and influence far beyond the average citizen. Has he been talking to the poobahs of his own party - Mitch McConnell comes to mind - has he pursued all the many avenues that democratic politics affords a powerful politician to try to change the policies of the Biden administration, can anyone point to anything he's done beyond political posturing and this latest nasty stunt to bring about positive change ?
Your point misses the fact Desantis the nonwhite and crippled boy committed trafficking crimes. They pushed illegal immigrants into the country.
Newt Gingrich discovered that, once you lose your "sense of decency", you have many more, and more powerful, options. The media fawned over him and how he exemplified "thinking out of the box."
It worked for the Republicans and the rest is history.
Nah, I think 1997 Newt Gingrich from the CSPAN speech "Bill Clinton must be compelled to testify in the Paula Jones case" was mostly thinking inside Callista's box.
"Decency used to matter in America's politics. But last fall more that 70 million Americans voted for a man whom they had heard bragging that he could get away with sexual assault." - The Economist, 2017.
America has changed. The days when a statement like Welch's could move the needle are long gone.
We used to have Dead Heads driving from Grateful Dead concert to Grateful Dead concert, getting off on listening to all the old hits again and again. A bit weird but harmless. Now we have MAGAT's, driving from Trump rally to Trump rally, getting off on listening to all the old hits again and again. Even more weird and far from harmless.
John Perry Barlow is the connective tissue between Deadheads & MAGATs.
Don't forget the court packing and shopping
"Such an important brief. The chart at the end really tells the whole story: At Texas' behest, a handful of Trump judges have halted vast swathes of Biden's agenda on the thinnest of pretexts. SCOTUS cannot keep rewarding this brazen partisan manipulation of the lower courts."
In general, we are all morally flexible. Even the Church separates venial and mortal sins, and even then nothing is too great as to be unforgivable so long as you know who to ask forgiveness from. We might ask, how many times can an Evangelical/Christian be "reborn" or be forgiven for the same sin(s)? (Hint: there is no limit.)
So perhaps, the issue at stake here isn't "decency". Rather, it's the ability to constantly act indecently and immediately claim the grace of God.
If you ask the addict why s/he continues to relapse, the answer is always the same.
Because they love sweets?
That's my excuse.
Sugar is sinfully tasty. That's my excuse.
When Lenin called religion the opiate of the masses, he was speaking metaphorically. Given today what we know about endorphins, we can take Lenin's statement as a literal truth.
If Kevin is looking for that moment when the non-MAGA world sits up and gasps at what's happening-- something a lot of us have been thinking since like 2015 has to happen sometime-- there's just no telling when or whether it will ever happen. Sorry, Kevin.
Let's not forget that the Joseph Welch moment was back in the 3-network days when the gasping began with about half a dozen people who everybody else took their cues from. The media infrastructure today is just too supportive for nut cases who used to mail out badly-mimeographed and badly-stapled screeds on foolscap but now have the technology to look indistinguishable from professional outfits. So I think the odds are long that we'll see that kind of moment.
Then again, public opinion is a funny thing and no one can know what will galvanize a big majority (which really means anything over about 60%, really) in the same direction. Dobbs seems to have done that, and I think that reaction is only getting started. By 2024 it could be one of the most powerful nationwide forces we have going.
So, one more SCOTUS decision that assaults individuals like Dobbs did could conceivably take us to that Joseph Welch moment. The key is that there has to be someone who articulates in a pithy way what people want to say, and that's a big wild card. It's possible. And our reactionaries never know when to stop, which makes it more possible. You just never know.
In the early days of the Trump regime, one of my conservative friends (son of a history professor, no less!) said to me, re Trump, "if you make it impolite to say certain things, then only impolite people will say them". It's the indecency that they like about the guy! So waiting for them to have a sense of decency is a fool's errand...
"It's the indecency that they like about the guy!"
That, and the fact that Trump gives them permission express their own indecency. Permission to bring out their inner anarchist.
This boredom and resulting death-wish among the general public is now commonplace and can be monetized! Enter Trump, Tucker Carlson, etc. etc.
"Ron DeSantis and his immigrant stunt"
Such a ridiculous statement. How about telling everyone forever that you love minorities, that you're a sanctuary city, how racist Republicans are for wanting a closed border, blah, blah, blah and then actually getting called on it only to prove that, indeed, you don't really love minorities, want them nowhere near you, are happy to have border states shoulder the costs, etc? Please. Such a transparent joke.
Sucks to be shown as the hypocrites we always knew the big city elite libs were, I guess?
Bussing them to New York = Racist
Moving them off the island = not racist
Nice to play a game that you can't lose. 1984 much?
You're pretty mad at the Republican governor who moved them from... an island that's part of Cape Cod to... Cape Cod... aren't you?
So you are arguing flying immigrants to Martha's Vineyard was a constructive effort to deal with the problem? You seem angry and disillusioned; I suggest cutting back on watching Fox News.
Among the many things to which you are oblivious, you failed to notice that the good folks of the Vineyard, having been given no notice by the callous, cynical, self-promoting governor of Florida, nevertheless immediately took action to house and feed the migrants.
Good call, all. You really showed me. Also, remember, this is NOT a stunt because a liberal did it to a conservative, so it's.... different. Yeah, different.
Where's your outrage here? Note, it's not from Fox.
No, because it's not a stunt, which I think you already know (see below), whereas what DeSantis did clearly was a stunt. Why don't you ask my Republican Governor Charlie Baker what he thinks of having a couple plain loads of people dumped on a small island in the Commonwealth without any warning. Instead of engaging in sloppy whataboutism how about just defending DeSantis on the merits of his actions. You can't.
"The Biden administration, like the Obama and Trump administrations, uses flights to move adult detainees from one detention facility to another in order to avoid overcrowding. If some of those flights occur at night, it’s not necessarily indicative of something nefarious or covert going on "
No, it’s from the Washington Examiner, another right-wing propaganda organ. NPR fact-checks, too, and also finds Ron DeSantis once again exploiting a legal and longstanding operation to foment xenophobia. What a surprise.
Except it didn't work. It's not xenophobic. It's retarded.
Twist it any way you want. It's obvious for all to see. Liberals want immigrants... just not near them.
DC and NY have millions of people, but can't handle a couple thousand migrants? Really?
I think we can all agree that enforcing the border is a federal issue, so why shouldn't the country share in the pain of the federal decision? Why only the border states?
Go ahead, twist away, call me a troll, whatever. You know I'm right. NIMBY for the homeless and NIMBY for the migrants. "Limousine Liberals" are definitely a real thing.
"You know I'm right."
Like the monkey who won't let go of the nut, your hand is stuck in a jar of stupid. Liberals all over the country have opened their communities to immigrants, including here in my hometown of Missoula, Montana. For every limousine liberal there are hundreds -- thousands -- who drive Fords and Subarus, or bicycles, and are perfectly willing to make accommodations for immigrants in a rational, systemic program to meet humanitarian and socio-economic needs both for immigrants and native-born communities. As best we can, knowing it will never be enough. DeSantis and his ilk, including you, Quickie, are attempting no such thing.
And you know I'm right.
It's HIGHLY unlikely that you deal with, are related to, or are friends with more immigrants than I am. Having served as a teacher in "Alabama, California" for dozens of years, I know more Mexican immigrants than most Mexican immigrants do... Also, because we live where we do, most of them are conservative. It's almost like politics is regional, no?
I am happy to admit Republican hypocrisy, it's why I'm not one. Too bad you can't do the same... Our country's inability to do this "to make accommodations for immigrants in a rational, systemic program to meet humanitarian and socio-economic needs both for immigrants and native-born communities" is why conservatives in border states are so pissed. Sounds like we can agree on it though, no?
Did you know that many of my students form a brown underclass where they can go to school, but can't work? Who is that serving? I'm ready to fix it whenever everyone else is, but Democrats can't even agree that an organized system is a good idea...
My impression, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that righties have buffaloed any reform attempts for the past 30 years. And yes, lefties have to prepare for some hard truths if they haven't already. There is no solution now nor in the future which will make most would-be immigrants happy; there are too many of them. That's life.
But again, do you really think it's the D's blocking this up? I remember Rubio giving it a shot, but no dice, and not because of D opposition. I think your analysis is mistaken, on the big picture and on the DeSantis stunt, but then I'm not well-versed in the details. FWIW. You may not be a R. but you sound(ed) like one. I'm willing to meet anyone halfway, as long as they're not a Republican.
LOL. I'm definitely what I'd consider a "conservative", but I've lost hope for the Republicans and Democrats. When I have dinner with my liberal buddies, we pretty much agree that we need immigration, it'd be best to have standards and a system, and this issue should've been closed a million years ago.
I totally agree that some Republicans are completely opposed to a path to immigration. That's stupid, imo. However, the extreme liberal viewpoint that I hear is to let everyone in forever. That's unworkable and just as stupid, imo.
Also, open borders are a recipe for disaster in terms of drugs, *real* human trafficking (to call a bus or a plane ride human trafficking does a disservice to the real thing - by a lot), putting these people in real dangers (way too many incidents of them dying by the dozen), and it leaves them hanging when they get here. Great, you're here. Now, you can't get a job because you don't have a real SSN, but your little brother that was born here can.
It's difficult for me to reconcile that this is the system that we've ended up with because both sides are so dogmatic and dig in their heels. It takes two sides to disagree (despite what my wife might think).
Ronny D sent the Venezuelan victims of communism to Martha's Vineyard specifically to make it damn near impossible to go to their asylum hearings (which would be on the mainland). & the DHS & CPB before him fabricated the addresses for the migrants so they wouldn't get notice of the hearings (even if otherwise in a position to go to them). The problem starts with them.
As to MV as a haven of limousine shitliberalism, in the offseason, its permanent population is largely workingclass people in the fisheries industry & the island government doesn't have the wraparound services needed to handle an asylee load. (As to that: border communities actually get federal dollars to provide just those services. But MV is not even a Canadian border community.)
Desantis is a colored boy loser who trafficked "asylum" seekers for a political stunt. He needs killed by the most painful means. Snap his knee his thyroid gland out. Traitors like him need to be taught lessons. Ron's ties to global capital flows are well known.
As much an African as George Herman Ruth he is.
Nope, more eef than proper Forrest steppe ancestry
KEVIN!! It's not right that this is on your site.
In response to Spades.
the republican party has evolved, or devolved, into a vast political machine to put the most craven, immoral, indecent men and women in positions of political power. there is no one left to cry out in defence of decency.
Crazy that Wapo (or any of you) weren't concerned when Biden was the one doing the shipping. False outrage, all. So, so obvious.
"It's not secret, and it's not new,"
Even Glenn Kessler knows your lying.
& if he had the thinnest Reed on which to hang a high crime or misdemeanor on joebiden, he absolutely would.
Let us know when DeathSantis ships Cuban asylum seekers to other states.
quickquestion, you better watch it fag. Dealing with pussified libtards like Drum vs me is a dangerous game for Republicans. The Republican party is a gay infested, child raping bunch of Zionist homo's like jew boy Trump. I know what you are boy. The time is coming.........
Troll fight!
+ !
So when is nonwhite Desantis going to ban Christian missionaries part of the illegal trade?? Oh that is right, he made it easier. Cons con.
Nobody has to take my advice but, if you do, you'll stop trying to understand what's going on by framing it as a battle between conservatives and progressives. To me, that's like trying to understand the motion of the sun and the planets based on the assumption that they revolve around the earth.
I think everything is pretty easy to understand if you frame it as a battle between up and down. Think of the two as being separated by a horizontal line. To stay above the line, you have to put deliberate effort in the current context into believing that you are adhering to the "do unto others as you would have others do unto you" principle. I'm not saying that it's easy. I am saying that it is just that simple. Absent that deliberate effort, you're on the down/wrong/dark side.
McCarthy, DeSantis, Trump, and many others make it very clear what side they're on. My concern is about figuring out what it takes to keep myself, my family, and my friends on the up side which, in part, is by recognizing that one will get to the dark side by going too far left (anarchists) or too far right (authoritarians).
The bottom line for me is that, if you're adhering to that principle, you're on my side. If not, you're on the other side. Or maybe there's something I've overlooked and I'm not smart enough to think of what that might be.
Trump broke the immigration system and the policies that were in place to help limit the number of migrants who would want to leave their home countries. Then he played games with Venezuela, which hasn't worked out. Add to that the "remain in Mexico" program, which was bound to blow up...and you have what we have today. This will take many years to clean up.
We do have to tighten our borders...against guns and money leaving this country and supporting criminal organizations in Latin America.