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Health Update

Good news!

I just got a call that I've been approved for the next Carvykti spot at City of Hope. I don't know a lot yet, but as long as all the pre-procedure tests are positive (they should be) I'll go in for leukopheresis in February and then receive the transfusion of genetically-modified plasma in March. After that the killer T cells do their thing and I have an 80% chance of full remission. Recovery takes a while, but I should be back in good shape by summer.


59 thoughts on “Health Update

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  1. cld

    I am looking forward to hearing how this works, it sounds like a step toward early Star Trek.

    Is there a good resource online we can read that describes it best, that is so the thick of us can follow it?

  2. jwb81

    Fantastic news! I'm thrilled for you and your family. I hope it's a smooth ride til then, through, and after. Thanks for all you do.

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