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Health Update

My M-protein level has become so steady it's almost eerie:

But stable means my multiple myeloma is being held at bay, so I have no complaints. (Aside from the Evil Dex, of course.)

Lots of writers these days are moving to Substack, where they can charge subscription fees for their keen insights. But who else offers you a monthly look at their brave fight against cancer in EZ chart form? That's what I call giving the people what they want. How come everyone doesn't do this?

18 thoughts on “Health Update

  1. ey81

    I really admire the way Kevin has dealt with his cancer, and am very glad that he has fared so well to this point.

    1. wvng

      I vividly remember when Kevin announced his diagnosis, with the very real concern that it would take him way too soon. That he is till very much with us, bursting bubbles where the data says they should be burst, is a fine thing. Something to celebrate.

    1. HokieAnnie

      Yes indeed it's very good that both of you are surviving/living with MM. My cousin Joan had it 20 years ago and lost her battle to it about 12 years ago.

  2. rikisinkhole

    All through 4 years of the TrumpMonster, Kevin's graphs kept me sane - no matter how awful the news that day (and some days it was beyond awful) reading what he was dealing put me back in balance. I do find myself wondering if Kevin might be a candidate for the new personalized cell therapy, which sounds promising.

  3. OllierWeber

    The first time I took dex, in the morning, I didn't get to sleep until 6 a.m. next morning. Followed by a logy day. The next week I took it at night, just before bed. Slept fine, no lag time for the drug to kick in. Plus, next day was a gas. Have continued that regimen. If you haven't tried it, I suggest you might. Four cycles in, my M-protein is 0.5 and, I hope, still falling.

  4. Manhattan123

    Are there any stats on writers' reach once they're on Substack? I guess they're making more money, but are they having the influence they once had?

    Case in point, I would read Andrew Sullivan when he was free, on his own blog or on NY Magazine's Intelligencer page, but I sure as hell won't pay for him.

    I guess he's making $$ now, but I also never hear of him or his arguments any more.

  5. dmbarnes

    I've followed Kevin for many years and always appreciate his perspective. His health updates and his photos make me feel that I know him although he doesn't know me.

    Also, I gave to Mother Jones when he asked.

  6. Vog46

    From one cancer survivor to another
    Glad you are dealing with it

    But that does NOT EXCUSE the choice of WordPress for your blog
    I'm NOT being mean here - but if you want to act snarky - and you have earned the right to be - the you should also be able to face up to the truth as well.
    You did it with your diagnosis and I'm glad for that
    Do it regarding word press as well

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