I was discharged from the hospital yesterday and we're now back in the hotel. It's nice to finally be untethered from the infusion machine and able to walk about freely.
On the downside, discharge involved the prescription of an absolute mountain of meds. It's insane. Thank God Marian is here to help me keep track of them, because I'm not sure I could do it on my own.
I remain very tired, but things are getting better and my appetite is slowly returning. We'll be here for at least another week, which will take us to Day 28, twice as long as we originally expected. On the bright side, Day 28 is also the first time we'll get a preliminary read on whether the CAR-T treatment is killing off the multiple myeloma. Here's hoping.
Hoping & praying for you that your ordeal will tutn out to have been proof that the treatment was indeed working for you!
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Hang in there, Mr Drum! Did the doctors warn you all these things were likely to happen before you gave the okay?
May Twenty-Eight mean Cele-brate.
Marian is up for "sainthood". It is such a blessing to have someone who will watch over you and help you the way she is doing. We are all pulling for you both and keeping you in our thoughts & prayers. You are doing great!!!
Nice work Kevin, slogging your way through the inevitable this past 3 weeks. I'm sure all of the effects, side effects, unknown effects, and the you've got to be kidding effects were somewhere in the teeny tiny print of the consent forms.
Just a bit longer now.
When you're not blogging, I've got blindspots wider than a 747. You are missed.
Here here (or is it hear hear?)
I'm hoping here every day...
crossing fingers, keep on trucking dude
OMG! R. Crumb , Zap comics , and Mr. Natural with his big feet truckin’ along! Yes Kevin, one foot in front of the other and keep on truckin’ . I hope this brings a smile to your face.
Best wishes to you and Marian!
Like the Doo Dah Man.
I hear you! My medicine organization skills begin to sputter when I have to divide them between morning and evening pills.
Looking forward to a good report!
Stay strong and, yes, here's hoping.
Dwarf metal,
Not actually real dwarfs, though, but these guys are,
Yes, glad you have Marian to supervise you. I could just imagine you, trucking along the street, with you tree of IV fluids. Not a pretty picture.
Hang in there Kevin. We are pulling for ya.
Mr. Drum, I know that you have had a long-standing interest in the lead hypothesis of crime. Have you seen much of how it might be better described as the lead-lithium hypothesis of crime? I found the 1961 report of the 100 largest water systems in the US with the lithium levels in each of these systems. What I found interesting is that most of the South-West of the US has highish lithium levels (e.g., in LA). Typical cities with high lithium in the water have been able to regain the homicide levels they experienced in the 1960s. Most cities in the east of the US have low lead levels (e.g., Baltimore). Typical cities with low lithium in the water have not been able to regain low homicide levels.
The logic here is that lithium appears to be an anti-lead chemical that helps to restore executive functioning. So, even though LA had a large lead exposure and a resulting crime pandemic in the 1980s and 1990s, with the help of lead it has now been able to reestablish its equilibrium. However, in Baltimore and many other cities such a return to sanity has not happened. Instead we have witnessed an escalating homicide crisis. Without the lithium to help guide communities back to higher functioning there can be a self-reinforcing increase in the collapse of the communities.
This observation applies to many cities in the US. For example other high lithium cities 9accorind to the 1961 results-- more recent results have not been published) include El Paso (Texas), Scottsdale (Arizona) , Omaha (Nebraska) San Diego (California) and Phoenix (Arizona). All of these cities follow the broad return to civilization pattern.
In the low lithium category of cities are Detroit, Philadelphia, and Chicago. These cities have struggled to counteract the force unleashed by lead.
I am very interested in your assessment of this update of the lead hypothesis.
I hope you keep having progress Kevin! What an ordeal, I know you were so looking forward to this procedure. Hopefully you look back on this months from now and see must a momentary blip of an ordeal followed by real healing and comfort for you.
Although, I’d say your evil Dex has produced some stunning nighttime photography. Hopefully you can keep that up in the absence of your late night desert sojourns!
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