Really, everything was very positive today. My counts are going steadily up; WBC and RBC are getting close to normal, ditto for platelets, which were all but zero a few days ago.
It's hard to stay positive, but that's solely because of the extreme fatigue, which I was warned about and is totally expected. The numbers themselves are almost all good. Even the Bell's palsy is getting slightly better, and hopefully will resolve on its own within a couple more weeks.
So that's the story for now. I'm even a little hungry at the moment, and it's been a while since I had much of an appetite. Things are going well.
Woohoo! ????????????????????
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???? AND GOOD LUCK ???? HERE====)>
???? I’m five months out from my Abecma CAR-T as of today. Doing well. Still some issues but they are resolving. Good luck to you!
Glad for you, too!
Wonderful news. I hope the progress continues and that your fatigue is gone soon. All the best.
In this instance, hungry is good.
"Things are going well." Great news! Best wishes -- you've got lots of people rooting for you.
Try to maintain your patience with the Bell's Palsy. A friend of mine had it and the time it takes to resolve can seem endless. But it will resolve.
When hungry, never underestimate the therapeutic power of In-N-Out…
Please. In-N-Out is for tourists. You want a burger in Irvine, you go to The Stand.
Kevin, you deserve to have extreme fatigue with the stress and the huge changes in your blood. Your whole body and mind are having an extreme workout in warp speed. Rest and get well.
Great to read this news! Take it easy as much as you can.
Oh geez. Glad you've recovered.
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Good news!
Great news!
Very glad to hear this.
Good news.
So glad to hear Kevin!
Such great news! I'm glad you're able to recognize it while feeling exhausted. That has to lighten the load a tiny bit. It might be nice if we could go into stasis while we get repaired. Maybe that's next?
(Love the new click to edit button)
The sailing is smooth now... feet up and enjoy the breeze, margaritas on the fantail!
Glad for the good news, KD!